Follow along on the MyDogLikes 2016 Dog Friendly Tour of America

MyDogLikes 2016 Dog Friendly Tour of America

This page will serve as the main portal for our dog friendly trip across America – 14 days, 16 states and 6000 miles!

Follow along as we visit dozens of towns, parks and landmarks, learn more about pet friendly travel and enter our dozens of contests and giveaways!

Dog Friendly Tour Information

How to keep tabs on what is going on…

  • Bookmark this page
  • Follow our social media Accounts (Top left of this page!)
  • Join our Exclusive FB Group for dog lovers
  • Search and use #MyDogLikesAmerica on social media
  • Sign up for our Road Trip Email List

Daily Roundups from the Road


Pawz Travel Photo Contest  LIVE NOW! (Submit a travel photo of your dog!)

Leaderboard Contest – Daily entry trivia contest for Grand Prize

Grand Prize
1 Chillspot Dog Cooling Station, Zuke’s Mini Natural Treats (6 different flavors), 1 Set of Pawz Dog Boots, 1 Tin Pawz Max Wax, 1 TurdleBag Leash Attachment, Vetriscience Starter Kit (3 units of 5 different products), Jones Natural Chews Gift Basket, 2 Bottles of 4-Legger Shampoo, 1 standard and 1 travel size Be Forever Furless Brush, and 1 bottle of Brave Beagle Dog Ear Cleaner and more!


Announced Daily – Follow our social media accounts (top left of this page) to keep tabs on our daily giveaways.


  • I’m excited to hear about your adventures and your giveaways are generous and appreciated! Thank you. Have fun

  • Enjoying the trip with you =) Glad you relaunched the contest, I was having trouble with it. The flash giveaways haven’t been working for me, either- they don’t show up till the day after they’ve closed =( Maybe that will work now, too. Hope this is the right place to leave comments for the contest.

    • Yeah it wasn’t working the way it was promised so we found a better tool! Keep checking social accounts, we will always announce those flash contests there!

  • Wait, the winner is the person with the most entries, or random draw (as with most forms such as the one you’re using). Not sure how that would work. There’s a set number of things that can be done each day, so as long as people come back daily and complete everything, multiple people would have the same amount of entries. The only variable I can see would be the referring friends, so that means it would come down to who knows the most people, or has their own blog with followers they can get to enter. Or am I reading something wrong, and the platform picks a random winner from all the valid entries?

    • Kate, we know what you mean and have taken that into account when planning. We are going to be doing some special options that will offer more points.. Some will be based on luck and other will be fun and random to keep everyone involved and in the hunt! We will also be offering lots of smaller giveaways throughout the rest of the period!

      • I have not seen any new options to get points for a few days (other than the daily blog post comment & the share to get friends to join). Did the other special options not work out?

        • We have some new options today! The random options I was hoping to add in didn’t actually work with the giveaway widget.

  • I have been following your adventures on Facebook & Twitter! Did I see on Twitter that you met Sugar the Golden?

    • We sure did! We have been online friends with her for a few years and so happy to finally meet her in person! She is such a sweet girl and we will post more pictures of us together soon!

  • Took a minute to find comment section I really need dog friendly vacation ideas for my lapdog!

  • How does the leaderboard work for commenting on blog posts – I know we can get points everyday, but blogs are only most days – just want to make sure I’m pawing everything correctly. Also – requested to join fb group but not accepted yet. Thanksaroo! <3 Milk

    • We are trying our best to get posts up daily, but have just been so busy with all of the travel! (Plus we are having very limited internet access at some of these parks!) If you don’t see a new post, feel free to comment on any blog post and you will still earn points. We are continuing the event for a week after we return home so things should be more consistent at that point.

      Let me go check our FB group and approve your request!

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