Dog Health Supply Reviews

Wagglies Probiotics Review – The Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs

Adding some probiotic supplement to our dogs food.
Written by Kevin Sando

At the beginning of the year, we conducted the largest MyDogLikes reader survey to date. It was clear from our questionnaire that digestive issues are one of the most common health problems our dogs face. Whether they are manifested in constipation, diarrhea, gas or urinary issues, our pets could clearly benefit from improved digestive health.

Today we are going to be sharing with you a potential solution to these issues – Wagglies Probiotics for Dogs.

MyDogLikes reviews Wagglies Probiotics for Dogs

Common Digestive Issues in Dogs

Digestive issues can lead to a wide variety of symptoms in dogs including but not limited to:

  • Vomiting – The involuntary expulsion of stomach contents
  • Constipation – The inability to regularly pass stool
  • Diarrhea – The inability to properly form and solidify stool
  • Gas – Emission of often foul smelling odors from the anus – often a sign of improper digestion

While there can be many reasons for these issues, one of the simplest explanations is a lack of “good bacteria” in the digestive tract. Over the past several decades, the idea of helpful vs. harmful bacteria has been getting more and more attention – and is now suggested as a potential cause of numerous health conditions in dogs and humans alike. Keeping a proper ratio of gut bacteria is vital to optimum digestive as well as overall health.

Taking a closer look at the benefits of probiotics for d.ogs

The Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs

While natural sources of probiotics can be more difficult to find, supplements like Wagglies make it easy for your dog to get the healthy bacteria they need.

Save 30% on Wagglies using code “MYDOGLIK”

What exactly does this bacteria do?

Probiotics are the general term for strains of bacteria that are good for your health and digestive system. These bacteria include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium which both help to move food through the digestive tract.

Probiotics have also been suggested to:

  • Build immunity and prevent allergies
  • Promote a healthy skin and coat
  • Reduce bad breath
  • Prevent urinary tract infections

Wagglies includes a scoop in each and every bag to ensure proper dosage.

Introducing Wagglies Probiotics for Dogs

Wagglies is a relatively new brand out of the UK that is dedicated to creating high quality and affordable pet products. You may have seen our review of their professional grade dog nail clippers from a few months back. After seeing this quality firsthand we were excited when they told us about their latest product: Wagglies Probiotics for Dogs.

Wagglies probiotic supplements are 100% natural and manufactured in a FDA approved lab. They are unscented and designed to be mixed right into your dogs current food.

Wagglies contains several different strains of bacteria including:

  • L. Acidophilis
  • L. Plantarum
  • Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
  • L. Lactis
  • B. Bifidim

Wagglies also includes prebiotics – which promote the growth of the these live probiotic ingredients for optimum results.

A closeup view of Wagglies dog probiotic supplement.

Wagglies Probiotics Review

Wagglies comes in a compact 6oz. package, and while it may not seem like a lot, a little bit goes a long way. For convenience, they even include a scoop inside for proper dosage. Dogs under 50 lbs get 1/2 scoop per meal and those 50+ lbs require 1 scoop per meal.

Although none of our boys are currently experiencing any digestive issues, we have begun mixing Wagglies Probiotics into their meals to see if we note any difference in their overall health.

Wagglies probiotics are odorless and tasteless – meaning that you should have no trouble getting your dogs to ingest. Our boys did not seem to notice the addition of the powder into their food whatsoever. While Harley and Charlie are not picky eaters, it is a good sign that it didn’t even give them pause before digging into their meals.

Examining the consistency of Wagglies dog probiotics powder - as you can see it is very fine!

As you can see, the supplement powder is VERY fine and can easily be mixed into your dogs food so as to be nearly invisible – especially if you add some water. This is a huge advantage to other products that come in tablet or pill form that many dogs are quite adept at spitting out even when mixed inside a treat!

These probiotics are tasteless, odorless and easily mixed into food!

Wagglies claims that it can take 30-45 days of regular use before seeing noted differences in your dogs health. This makes sense as the whole idea is to actively change the makeup and composition of the bacterial population inside their digestive tract.

We will update this post after more time has passed to let you know how our dogs are feeling!

Wagglies Guarantee

Perhaps you are weary of supplements and worried about their effectiveness?

To put your mind at ease, Wagglies manufactures their probiotic in an FDA approved facility. Furthermore, Wagglies probiotics come with a 45 day money back guarantee – so if you don’t see a noticeable improvement in your dogs health just contact them for a full refund!

Wagglies Review from MyDogLikes

Why MyDogLikes Wagglies Probiotics for Dogs

The evidence that gut bacteria has a profound impact on overall health seems to pile up by the day. We are starting to accept this fact in our own lives with the prevelance of yogurts and supplements, so doesn’t it make sense that the same principles would apply to our dogs?

Wagglies probiotics contain the same types of bacteria that are found in human supplements. Each bag lasts roughly 1-2 months per dog, and at under $30 this works out to less than a dollar a day. In our opinion well worth an improvement in digestive health!

Is your dog experiencing any digestive issues?

Take advantage of our exclusive coupon code, and give Wagglies a try!

Save 30% with code “MYDOGLIK”

About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.


  • Paws crossed as I type this, but we dogs here never have any real issues with gas, or tummy stuff. Maybe once or twice a year, but we are lucky. It is something to keep in mind just in case things change.

  • Thanks for this, I’ve been using dog probiotics for a few weeks now, trying to use kinds that combine the right kinds of natural ingredients that will only help and not offset my eldest dogs. I know when I feel sick to my stomach, it throws my entire behavior and mood off – so if my dogs are suffering gastrointestinal issues now, I know I have to give them something to get them back up and running again.

  • I know that I need probiotics and take a supplement for it. However, I never thought about it for my pup. Thanks for the insight.

  • I give my dogs probiotic also i think they need it just as much as humans. My vet recommended Mitomax and I haven’t tried other probiotics products beside from it yet so I dont really know what’s the difference. I usually mix probiotic with my dog food.