Things are changing around the MyDogLikes householdâŠ
Just a few weeks ago, Rachael and I welcomed home a new baby! No, not another furry one, but an actual human child! We couldnât be happier and are having a great time getting to know our baby boy.
It is important to us however, that our original babies (Harley and Charlie) donât get lost in the mix. They are just as much a part of our family as anyone else, and we want to make sure that they are getting plenty of attention – and not feeling left out or neglected. We also want to make sure that the dogs are associating positive feelings toward the baby – after all, they are soon to become best of friends, right?!
You Canât Teach an Old Dog New Tricks…Or Can You?
Announcing our Dogs and Babies Training Series
Over the next several months, we are going to be putting that expression to the test, as we set some new ground rules for the dogs. This is a big transition for them as well as us, and we need to be doing what we can to make sure things go as smoothly as possible.
Of course, we will be sharing what we learn in order to help show you how to get your dog accustomed to the arrival of a new baby as well. From how to first introduce them, to teaching them how to walk around a stroller, and even how to create safe spaces for each of them. These rules are not only for the babies protection, but for the safety of the dogs as well!
All of this education is going to take a lot of work and just the right kind of positive reinforcement…
We turned to our friends over at Full Moon, who (unsurprisingly) have the perfect dog treats for the job, and who have been kind enough to sponsor this upcoming training series!
Introducing Full Moon Training Treats
We are big fans of Full Moon and the high standards they have set when it comes to dog treats. Not only is everything they make sourced and processed right here in America, but it is all natural and human grade as well. Our boys have been enjoying Full Moon Jerky for several years now, and we were thrilled when we learned that they were coming out with a new line of training treats.
What we Look for in a Training Treat
In our mind, there are 3 things that all of the best dog training treats have in commonâŠ
- Small Size – Easy to carry, dispense, and eat
- High Reward – Need to have enough scent to be enticing to your dog
- Low Calorie –Â So as not to pack on the pounds!
Full Moon’s new training treats come in 2 different flavors: Cage-Free Duck and Organic Chicken. They are small in size (less than 1/2″ in diameter and only about 1/4″ thick), making them perfect for the repetitive rewarding of a training session. Last but not least, these treats clock in at only only 3 calories a piece – so you don’t need to worry about your dog gaining weight in the process!
As you can see, Full Moonâs new Training Treats check all of these boxes and then some, being that they are also…
- A Great Value – With 175 pieces per bag, they are sure to last through more than a few grueling training sessions
- All Natural – Human Grade and free of wheat, corn or soy
Taste Test! (Our Full Moon Training Treats Review)
Before we get down to the serious business of working on some new skills, we thought that we would let Harley and Charlie give these new treats a try.
Like most dogs, ours have a knack for hearing the opening of any sort of packaging, so were standing right below us as as soon as we cracked these bags open.
Full Moon’s training treats have a light odor (to us), but one in which the boys were obviously drawn to. This is just what we like to see in a treat – enticing to the dogs but not an overpowering scent for us humans!
Both Harley and Charlie gobbled them up gleefully and were immediately ready for more. Perfect! Capturing attention is what they were made for after all!
Now that they have passed this all important taste test, we can’t wait to get started using them to teach the boys some new tricks!
Why MyDogLikes Full Moon Training Treats
As longtime fans of Full Moon, we weren’t surprised that their new training treats were a hit. But let’s be honest, our two would eat just about anything! What we really love about Full Moon is the quality and care that goes into each and every bag.
Everything they make is made in the USA using ingredients from farms approved by the USDA. We have all seen horror stories on the news about outsourced ingredients, so this is a really big deal to us. We also appreciate that Full Moon doesn’t add extra junk into their treats like fillers, artificial colors or preservatives.
These treats pack everything we love about Full Moon into a bite sized package, and we are thrilled to have a new training treat in our arsenal
Full Moon Training Treats are now available at select WalMart stores – with more retailers to be announced soon!
Make sure to check back over the next few months to see how we will be utilizing them to get Harley and Charlie used to their new baby!
LOL! We were just outside working on our review of these same treats and when we came in, we got your post! They are super tasty and we give them all our paws up! Good stuff!
Oh my goodness! Congrats to all of you! I don’t have experience here, so I’m excited to see how it goes and read all your tips. I just know Harley and Charlie will be amazing big brothers.
Congrats on the new addition!
omgawsh Im so darn happy for all of you! Congrats! Char and Har and going to be great Big brothers. I dont have any tips to give you, but I know youve got it handled, you guys are so great at everything pup
I dont know that I have any. We don’t have small children, but the dog I rescued was really well socialized. When we run into small children on our walks he lets them pull and tug on him without doing anything but licking them.
Layla loves their treats, not always easy to find in San Francisco. As for dogs and kids Layla goes to a dog park where there are kids all the time and she adores them, so have no problems with that one
Ooops clicked the button too quick as I wanted to say Mazal Tov on the new arrival also
Congratulations! I have never had a child so, I can’t offer any tips except perhaps making the pups feel as if they are still a big part of the family.
Congrats on the new addition! Routine and consistency are important to young children and to pets ð
Distance, patience and calm are key. Keep the room quiet and go slowly.
You never know how pets will react with small humans. If you have these Full Moon treats with you, you will be able to control the situation and have no problems.
Congratulations! Make sure you introduce Char and Har to the new baby as soon as you bring him/her home and they will always feel included. These new treats are great!
I never allow a small child to approach my dog without me doing the introducing. I tell the child not to hit or scream at my dog because he will get scared.
Teach the children first to respect the animal. Treat them gently. Stay away from them when they are eating etc.
Congrats and good luck introducing the baby to the pups
Congratulations to all of you! I am sure they are going to love the new baby!
I am very careful when my dog is around small children since she is around adults all day long. I watch the child and dog interact. Dogs should not be disturbed when they are eating or chewing on a bone.
My tip for small children is to never touch a dog on their face, grab their ears, jump on them from behind or stare at a new dog in their eyes.
I’ve never been in that situation before, so I’m not sure I can help. My son was 5 when we got our puppy and by the time we got another, he was a teenager.
introduce animals and kids slowly to each other
be respectful and approach them slowly
Just make sure you make the puppy a part of the family. love them like you do your children. and everyone will get along great.
Ours was a little older when we got our dogs, but I think take it slow. Our little one and our dogs are best buds! It is so fun to watch them together!
make sure they child understands no running, no quick moments, hold their hand flat to pet the dog, and ask permission b4 they pet someone’s dog. for dogs, just make sure they are not easily scared by screaming, or quick moments, or children fawning over them.
Well, I haven’t had to deal with my dogs around little children for quite a few years, but when my girls were little, I made sure to supervise them closely. I also taught my girls from a very young age about treating the dogs with respect. They were friends from a very young age and I never had any issues, but my girls also learned how they should treat the dogs. Kids are very perceptive and can learn not to pull ears, etc. From my experience, any issues I’ve seen other people I know have had with regard to dogs and young children was mostly because of lack of supervision, and them not teaching the children to respect animals.
Do not let children startle your dog or pet him or her without permission
I think supervision is the way to go and watch both cause both animal and child are capable of getting into trouble
I haven’t done that in a while, and as I don’t have kids of my own, I don’t exactly feel like I have any tips! I would guess just positive reinforcement over time? Sorry I don’t have any better tips!
My dogs aren’t good with strangers, children included. Kids are actually worse because of their quick and loud movements and they are more unpredictable. My dogs are perfect with my own kids. I don’t have any tips. Sounds like you won’t have any problems like I do. I just keep them away. Avoid the small kiddos. Lol.
We have 2 small dogs and I often have the grandchildren 1 & 4. I am careful that they don’t eat any chocolate or food that could hurt the dogs around them. I also don’t let them get rough with the dogs or vise versa.
Let the kids know to be gently with the dog and usually, all the love follows.
Congrats! My dogs were 10 and 8 years old when we welcomed home our son. They are big boys and my husband brought home his blanket and hat from the hospital for them to smell and get used to. As soon as we got home they smelled our son and then never left his side. One or both of them would sleep near his crib and now they are the best of friends playing together inside and out.
Congrats on the new addition! I have never had to deal with a baby and small children, so no tips.
First of all, don’t get a scrappy little dog with small children. Then make sure to teach your children to treat your dog with respect and kindness. Then they will be best friends as they grow up.
Congratulations!!! Love them both so much, that is all the tips you need!
Congratulations on your new baby boy, Kevin and Rachael! I haven’t heard from you guys in a long time. Glad to hear that you are doing well.
I haven’t had any issues with dogs and children. Slow introduction and carefully supervised at the beginning is important. Seems that some dogs are naturally very protective of the new family member! However, if they are not experiencing this, I would train them right away what is expected around a baby. My dogs have always been very treat motivated with any training so that helps. Nipping any bad behaviors in the bud immediately is very important!
my best training tip is to never leave the child and the dog alone together.
My tips for dogs and small children are to speak with the children on respecting a dogs space and to be nice. Also to not approach a dog they do not know.
Introduce your dogs to children when they are puppies (and introduce them to all kinds of other situations, it really makes for a well rounded dog!)
Make good experiences for them as much as you can control.
Be calm and build a ‘perimeter’ where the dog can approach only when you are around. Don’t leave them alone together without you supervising.
I’m not sure since my kids were older when we got our first dog, but I have seen a lot of toddlers around family pets and the pets were so tolerant. Your dogs are lovely and look like they’ll be wonderful.
Make sure the little kids don’t corner the dog – the dog will feel threatened.. also don’t let the kids stick their hands near their faces.
I would never leave a child unsupervised with a dog.
Congrats on your little one! I would say slowly introduce them to one another. ð
My tips for dogs and small children is to always supervise. They should never be left alone together.
My tip is even if you don’t have children of your own, you should always allow your dogs to become accustomed to being around children so they will behave properly. Mine love small kids because of this and it’s great to see little ones light up when they are allowed to pet them since my Corgis are just the right size to get hugged and petted.
Patience and diligence with supervision.
Don’t make your dog jealous of the baby.
I try to teach children to allow the dog to get to know them before becoming too aggressive with it.
Our dog hates the mail man and he is normally a sweet dog.
I always ask my dog to sit and have children approach slowly so she can sniff their hand.
I don’t have children so I can’t offer anything from experience, but I’ve found that getting the dog adjusted to something is easier with treats. Teach the dog that jumping on someone isn’t tolerated. When they approach gently, reward with a treat.
My three dogs love Full Moon treats. I found them as I was looking for companies to donate treats to a rescue I volunteer at, Westside German Shepherd Rescue of Los Angeles. Full Moon Treats not only donated to the rescue but they sent my babies a couple bags. I always support companies that donate to my cause. Thank you Full Moon.
i don’t have any tips but i will definitely need some when i have kids…my dog does notttttt like kids at all! ð
Congrats! You know your animal so trust your instincts! With my dog which is only 1 and a half knows when the baby is here she has to back off. She is still a puppy and very hyper but she acts different when he’s here. I guess there’s a time and a place but not when the baby is here.
For a dog that hasn’t been around children much, I would be very cautious. Your dogs will slowly get accustomed to your new baby boy. My boys were a little older when we got Sadie, our little terrier, at 6 weeks old. so she’s used to kids but not babies or toddlers. Congratulations!
You gotta let the doggy give you hugs and kisses!
Always be close enough to protect the child if needed.
Make the pups feel as if they are part of the family.
Introduce them very gently to get the vibe from both
Understand that dogs act from instinct, not rationalization.
You have to let them get used to each other and close supervision advised!
Do not force the interaction.
I have no experience with this so I have no tips but I love all of the tips above!
My tip for dogs and small children is to ideally get a young puppy that will grow up with the child and to teach the child manners around animals.
Dogs and small children can be a tricky thing. Of course, we should never put any child near an aggressive dog. Most dogs will feel your energy towards the small child and respect them just the same. Although when first introducing your pup and your tot make sure you are very close at all times until they ultimately build a bond together as well.
After coming home from the hospital we gave the blanket the baby came home in to the dog by her bed, this helped the Daisy get the baby’s scent, Daisy slept with the blanket for a long time she is most gentle around the Emily even now as she is a toddler,
Would love to win this we just got a 5 month old Dachshund Puppy ** Mollie** we are still potty training her and she loves to nibble a little bit love her heart she loves to eat though lol
My tips for dogs and children is to let them go at their own pace.
We explain to the children that they cannot scream or run from the dog and we don’t pull ears or tails. We don’t leave them alone together either.