Dog Treat Reviews

Getting Lean with Some Lean Protein from Campfire Treats

Campfire Treats Review
Written by Kevin Sando

Poor Chuckie hasn’t been getting too many treats this Summer…

It’s not that he’s been naughty….but he has been on a diet.

Charlie packed on a few extra pounds this year while working as a school therapy dog

As it turns out, being a school therapy dog was not good for his waistline.

Despite strict rules to the contrary we found out that some of the staff had been sneaking him treats! While we can understand the temptation to do so (look at that face) this is something that will need to change moving forward. The poor guy gained nearly 10 pounds over the course of the year!

We have taken this issue very seriously and utilized the Summer break to get him on a strict diet and exercise regimen. With a bit of extra work on his part (which he has been happy to perform) the weight has come right off!

Dog wearing bicycle helmet

Now that Charlie is nearly back on track we finally feel comfortable incorporating some healthy treats back into his lifestyle, and today we have just the thing…

Some lean protein to compliment all of that exercise he has been getting!

Lean protein treats for active dogs

Introducing Campfire Treats

Campfire Treats is a small family owned dog treat company who got their start after becoming disillusioned with both the quality and sourcing of ingredients in most commercially available pet treats.

Beginning by simply making treats for their own dog – from natural, local ingredients – they decided to branch out after these became a big hit among friends and family.

Nowadays, they have their very own facility in Northern California and take the same care in producing these treats for the public at large. Their primary line (available on consists of:

They also have additional offerings on their website!

Campfire Treats recently reached out to see if we’d like to give their treats a try. We always do some research before working with new brands and we were very pleased to learn the following…

Everything from Campfire Treats is sourced in the USA and contains:

  • No antibiotics
  • No hormones
  • No additives
  • No preservatives

Campfire Treats are sourced and processed in the USA

Meeting all our standards (and then some) we thought that these would make the perfect healthy reward for Charlie after a Summer of hard work!

Campfire Treats was kind enough to send over a few packages of their Chicken Jerky and sponsor this post so that we could help spread the word about their products!

Campfire Treats Chicken Jerky

Campfire Treat’s Chicken Jerky is just that – Chicken Jerky.

These treats are made from 100% chicken breasts (grown and processed in the United States) with no additives of any kind.

With all of the jerky recalls in recent years, this made in America commitment is a welcome sight!

Chicken Jerky dog treats from Campfire Treats

These treats come in 3.5 oz plastic canisters which are completely recyclable. Or, once your pup has polished off the treats, you can rinse it out and re-purpose the uniquely shaped container. I’ve got one holding pens on my desk as we speak!

Campfire Treats Chicken Jerky comes in a completely recyclable/ reusable container

Another cool feature of the container is that although the lid is a completely separate piece, they take care to attach it to the container with a small strip of tape. This acts like a hinge and saves you the worry about dropping and losing the cap. We always have our hands full so this little convenience was appreciated!

Getting Down to Business – Our Campfire Treats Review

As you can imagine Charlie was pretty eager to finish up with the photo shoot and start snacking. This is real meat after all!

Charlie eager to test out the USA sourced Chicken Jerky from Campfire Treats

There isn’t much aroma to speak of when you open the container – which we can always appreciate. (Though there was plenty of scent to grab Charlie’s attention!) I would estimate that there are ~2 dozen 2-3″ jerky pieces in each container.

I had to be quick with the camera before Charlie could no longer resist jumping up and grabbing this particular piece right from my hand! He gobbled it up in no time with a very satisfying “crunch” and was immediately ready for more.

As you can see, Charlie was a big fan of these dog treats!

Satisfied Customer!

I thought these treats were a great size to reward Charlie yet not big enough where we would have to be concerned about caloric intake. Because they are so healthy he can even have a few at a time after a long walk or run.

Why MyDogLikes Campfire Treats

Regular readers will know that we are big fans of single ingredient dog treats.

We all have enough to worry about and the safety of our dog’s treats should not have to be a concern. In our mind there is simply no need for all the extra stuff that you will find in most commercial treats.

We love that Campfire Treats shares this philosophy of simple ingredients and even carefully sources everything from US farms. Charlie loved the chicken jerky and we can’t wait to try out more of their line!

Want to try these out for yourself?

Click Here to Purchase on Amazon

About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.