Family Life

When the Parents are Away, the Bad Dogs Will Play…

Charlie Hedge Trimming
Written by Rachael Sando

A couple of weekends ago, we attended an out of town wedding. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to bring along the puppies. Before you start to feel too sorry for them,they got to stay with their best fur friends, Laila and Meera.Meera and Laila

It turned into a real dog party when more friends stopped over…

Dog Party

Like all good parties, sometimes things get out of hand. Somebody earned a time-out…Naughty Boy Charlie!

Naughty Puppy

What, you ask, could this sweet face have done to end up in time-out!?

sweet face

Well, amongst other things, some unsolicited landscaping….Charlie Hedge Trimming

You know who didn’t end up in a time-out…Harley. Good Boy as always!

Golden Retriever PhotoAfter a fun weekend, we were happy to get home to our sweet boys (and super thankful for our friends for taking such good care of them). Look for a post tomorrow about the dog-friendly town we visited, Saratoga Springs, NY!

What do you do with your fur children when you travel? Kennel? Family Friend? Ever used a service like 

Let us know in the comments!


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About the author

Rachael Sando

Rachael is a School Psychologist with degrees from the University of Rochester and RIT. Though a lifelong dog lover, this passion has taken on a new direction through the utilization of therapy animals in her day job. Charlie, our Golden Retriever, works with Rachael as a school therapy dog in a local primary school where he brings comfort and support to students and staff on a daily basis.


    • Haha, he is a verrry good boy. Sometimes that puppy brain just takes over!!!

  • Aw well it is a very nice stick Charlie! We don’t really travel or stay gone for more than a day, so Shiner can usually just stay at home. Plus, my mother stays here often so she’s usually around to let her out if needed.

    • Thats great – I always wonder where our boys siblings are and how they would react to meeting one another!