Dog Lifestyle Product Reviews

Poop, Scoop & Boogie Travel Trash Can Review

Travel trash can for dog poop
Written by Kevin Sando

We travel all over the country with our dogs.

Not just to satisfy our own sense of adventure, but with the hope to inspire others to get out and explore with their dogs as well. Though the pictures on our Instagram feed may be beautiful, through our road trip logs we always try to paint a realistic picture of what traveling with pets is really like. And it’s not always glamorous…

Carry In, Carry Out

While we are thrilled with how pet friendly many parks and public spaces have become, one of the issues that we still constantly run into is a lack of garbage cans.

Let’s face it – dogs are going to poop, and the lack of adequate places to discard of their waste is a real problem. We have found this to be especially true at National Parks with strict carry in, carry out policies.

This means that responsible pet parents can be left bringing a stinky bag of poop back home with them in the car! This has happened to us countless times and it is probably even worse than it sounds! That bag of poop in your hand may not smell when its outside, but once it gets into your car, all bets are off! It smells BAD!

If this has never happened to you consider yourself lucky, but be prepared for when it does!

We were recently contacted by a company with a solution to this problem – The Poop, Scoop & Boogie! They were kind enough to send us a unit to test out, and are sponsoring this post so that we can help to spread the word about this new product!

The Poop, Scoop and Boogie is a travel trash can that attaches to the exterior of your car

Introducing the Poop Scoop and Boogie

The Poop Scoop and Boogie is a travel trash can that attaches to your car’s exterior, allowing you to bring your pets waste home with you – without having to smell it along the way. No longer do you need to suffer for being a responsible pet parent!

How Does It Work?

The Poop Scoop & Boogie attaches to the back of your car with several strong (rubber coated) magnets. No mounting or tools are required and it installs in seconds! From straight on it just looks just like those oval shaped bumper stickers you see all over the place, but it does have a depth of just over 1 inch.

Folding down the outer shell to access the nylon trash bag

In order to use, simply grab the outer shell and pull down flat for the unit to open. This will expose an inner hinge and the nylon receptacle used for holding full poop bags. Lift this up from the side and spread apart the two jaws to access the bag.

As you can see below, their are multiple knobs along the rim to hold this bag firmly in place. (These also make it very easy to remove should you ever want to wash the material.)

Fully opened Poop, Scoop & Boogie ready for use

Now you can place a poop bag inside and that’s it! You are loaded up and ready to go!

Trying It Our for Ourselves – A Poop, Scoop and Boogie Review!

For those of you who don’t know, my day job is as a Mechanical Engineer. As such, I have done my share of plastic part design, and can tell pretty quickly when a product is up to snuff. As soon as I got my hands on the Poop, Scoop and Boogie, I could tell that it was built to last. The tooling was impressive, the hinges well designed, and it has a great strength to weight ratio.

Attaches with 3 pivoting, rubber coated magnets to keep your cars paint in tact!

After sticking the unit onto our vehicle, I was very impressed with the strength of the magnets. It felt sturdy but was not difficult to remove. I was also happy to see that it didn’t leave any marks whatsoever! (Despite the rubber coating of the magnets, it should be noted that you should not slide it along your car to re-position. Instead just lift and reset!)

Probably my favorite feature however, is that the magnets were cleverly assembled to pivot slightly so that the unit can fit onto curved body panels!

In the picture below you will notice a clasp at the very top of the unit. This allows the outer shell to snap in place when folded flat, to prevent it from falling and keep a low profile. When closed, the Poop, Scoop and Boogie is barely noticeable, especially on a dark vehicle like ours. Otherwise it would simply look like a bumper sticker from the back.

Poop, Scoop & Boogie Travel Trash Can Review

We found the Poop, Scoop & Boogie to be plenty spacious, and estimate that it would hold 2 bags from our large dogs.

No garbage can, no problem! No need to carry smelly poop bags inside the car with you!

When you are ready to head home simply squeeze the jaws together (as shown above) to partially close the opening. The Poop, Scoop & Boogie remains folded down during use, and the hard shell underneath provides additional support.

The Poop, Scoop and Boogie solves a problem all pet owners have faced - what to do with those stinky poop bags!

Why MyDogLikes the Poop, Scoop & Boogie

The smell of wet dog after a hike can be bad enough, but having to bring their waste back into the car will really push things over the edge! Especially on a hot and humid day! YUK!

Not only can this be a problem at parks, but any public spaces with a lack of garbage cans. For example, Charlie is just starting his work as a therapy dog at Rachael’s school, and he has quickly made a habit of doing his business right before they enter the building for the day.  As there are no outdoor trash cans, the Poop, Scoop & Boogie is going to come in handy every day!

The Poop, Scoop & Boogie solves a stinky, but common problem by letting you carry your pets waste outside of the vehicle on your way back home. It is such a unique idea and we were very impressed with the execution. The makers of The Poop, Scoop & Boogie have been able to design a product which is unobtrusive and highly functional at the same time. This is a well made product and after trying it out we can’t imagine how we’d ever go back!

It is currently available for $24.99, which in our opinion is well worth the convenience after only a couple of uses! We would highly recommend picking one up for yourself, plus it makes an awesome gift for dog lovers!

Click Here to Purchase


About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.


  • Good idea! We use another product we reviewed for this purpose, but it is inside the car. No smells, so it works too. One never thinks about the problem until you are out there with poop and no garbage!

  • I like that it sticks to the car with magnets. No more poop smell while driving. I used to drive trucks, and on several occasions I didn’t have a place for my poop bag,

  • I guess I should consider us VERY lucky. The city park where I used to take Callie and Shadow had a few garbage cans (poop stations) along the trails, so getting rid of the bags was fairly easy and convenient.

  • The Poop, Scoop & Boogie ” Travel Trash Can”The Poop, Scoop & Boogie ” Travel Trash Can”
    Trash Can that mounts to the outside of your car for odor free transport of full poop bags

  • Absolutely love the idea behind this simple solution to a stinky problem. I could see this being a necessity for my pups for road trips to the everyday grind .

  • When I was a dog walker, I had to take a poop bag in my car a couple of times.

  • i love that it is weather proof, and will not scratch the outside of the car and it can be disguised as a sticker.

  • I keep a small plastic, screw top jar in my car for this problem (after having to drive once with a super smelly bag). Cuts the odor down, but not completely. This is a great solution!

  • This looks like a great solution for taking a sample to the vet too!

    Thankfully, I have been pretty lucky with finding trash cans.

  • Oh yes I have I love how it sticks to the outside of the car by magnet wonderful idea 🙂

  • I have had to take poop bags in the car. The smell is easily the worst part since you’re stuck with it the whole ride.

  • I love the design and that it attaches to the outside of the car. I’ve had to keep some inside my car and it’s hard to get the smell out.

  • I think it’s really cool they made it about the size and shape of those oval stickers you see on cars. The trails we hike have a couple waste bins but we often forget when we walk by and end up taking it in the car anyway.

  • I love this idea! Yes I have had to carry poop bags into my car for lack of garbage bags and I’ve also had to carry poop in my car to bring the vets to get tested! Not fun at all! I love that it easily hooks up to the outside of your car and it looks just like a magnet on your car!

  • This is a great idea! Driving home with stinky bags is no fun. I like that this holds more than one day and is easy to use.

  • have you tried driving on the highway with this? we would love to try it but we are a little afraid it might become a flying projectile if it comes loose on the highway. the idea of it flying into the windshield of the car behind is quite scary.

    • Hi Yilise,
      I’m Will, the creator of the Poop, Scoop & Boogie. Thought the same thing and as a precaution the magnets are quite strong. Never came off during extensive testing. Thanks

    • I had one of these for a couple years until I got a new car with aluminum sides and magnets no longer stuck. I loved this product!! I drove all over at highway speeds and it never budged…..and the bag inside never was destroyed by the wind created with speed. It was a fantastic product and I am looking for something that can fill it’s shoes and nothing is measuring up. It also drew A LOT of attention. I loved watching people walk by my car in the parking lot trying to figure out what it was!

  • I’ve seen a lot of pet waste management gadgets and most of them are pretty silly/impractical. I love this idea though! I usually tie my full poop bags onto my car’s trailer hitch for the ride home. They’re never fallen off (in fact, I’ve forgotten them and drove around with them for a few days) but I always worry about that.

  • Hi Jessica,
    Funny you should say that. I’m Will, the creator of the Poop, Scoop & Boogie “Travel Trash Can” and I used to tie the bags to my trailer hitch. After I lost the second bag on my ride home I thought there must be a better way. That’s when I came up with the idea.