Dog Health Supply Reviews

Max Wax Paw Wax Review – Protecting Paws and Healing Dry Skin

Written by Rachael Sando

“All natural, totally bitchin’ paw wax!”

This is how Pawz is describing their latest product: Max Wax – All natural paw wax for dogs.

If you are a long time reader you know how much we love Pawz and their rubber dog boots. When they contacted us to see if we would like to test out Max Wax, we jumped at the chance – this company knows how to protect dog paws!

Pawz Logo

The Importance of Protecting your Dog’s Paws

While your dog’s paws may appear rough and tough, they are just as sensitive to temperature and irritants as our own skin.

Keeping your dogs paws nice and trim will make application of paw wax much easier and help prevent buildup of snow and ice.

During the Summer months, sand and pavement can reach temperatures in excess of 140°F! A good rule of thumb is if a surface is too hot for the back of your hand, it is too hot for your dogs bare paw pads! On particularly hot days, always check the temperature of walking surfaces in this way just to be sure. With the summer heat also comes summer bugs and the application of pesticides. While you may be very careful about what is applied to your own yard, a walk through the neighborhood can expose your pups paws to all sorts of irritants and dangerous chemicals!

Taking a closer look at Harley's dry paw pads

The winter months bring additional hazards including snow, ice, road salt and chemical ice melts. These can cause irritation to your dog’s paws and even leave them cracked and bleeding.

So what can you do to help protect your dog from these conditions?

Pawz Max Wax

Max Wax is a 100% all natural, human grade paw wax. When applied to the paw pads before heading outdoors, it will form a protective barrier between your dog and the elements. More specifically, it is designed to protect against snow/ice build up, salt and ice-melt chemicals, pesticides and even burns from hot surfaces!

In case you are worried about your dog licking their paws after application, Max Wax is non-toxic, so you need not be concerned.

MyDogLikes Max Wax Paw Wax Review

Max Wax is available in 60 gram tins and 200 gram plastic containers.

Pick up some Pawz Max Wax on Amazon!

Ingredients – What’s Inside?

As with any new product for our dogs we like to check the ingredients first. With Max Wax this list is small (always a good sign), so we thought we would go through them one by one to let you know what they are and why they are there.

Getting ready to apply dog paw wax

#1 Beeswax

When applied to the skin, beeswax forms a protective barrier against irritants and the environment. Unlike many other lubricating waxes/balms, beeswax allows the skin to breathe. Beeswax also helps to heal dry skin by drawing moisture in and keeping it hydrated. It has also been shown to have mild antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

#2 Mineral Jelly

Also known as petroleum jelly, mineral Jelly has been used in skin care products for well over a century. It’s primary purpose is to create a barrier between the skin and the environment.

#3 Lanolin

Lanolin is a wax secreted by glands in the skin of wool-bearing animals – particularly sheep. Just as it protects the wool and skin of the animals that secrete it, it can help protect human and animal skin as well. Lanolin is a natural water repellant, and also has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.

Lanolin is harvested from sheep as part of the regular shearing process.  As the wool is washed to remove dirt and grease, this grease is separated and captured.

#4 Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant that helps to neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals. These are molecules that damage collagen and lead to skin dryness as well as lines and wrinkles.

How to Use Pawz Max Wax

Applying dog paw wax to Harley's paws. Note the sheen showing a protective layer has been formed.

To get started, simply dip your finger in the jar and pull out a small amount. You will note that the consistency is firm but with a little bit of pressure it easily scoops out and has a creamy, easy to spread consistency. Next, gently massage the wax into the pads of your dog’s feet and between the toes, applying liberally for optimal protection. As you apply take note of the sheen that covers your dogs paws and signals that a smooth barrier is being formed.

That’s it! You are now ready to venture outside!

All waxed up and ready to go!

Pawz recommends that you apply once a week or more if your dog is particularly active outdoors. In the coldest days and harshest conditions, we would apply before going outside for daily walks. 

So How Did It Work? Our Paw Wax Review…

We had no trouble rubbing the wax into Harley or Charlie’s paws – but they will put up with anything!

Applying dog wax to Harley's back paws.

If your dog is not used to you handling their paws you may want to start slowly – massaging their paws for a few minutes a day over several days before trying to apply the wax. This will help them get used to the idea of someone messing around with their feet!

It also helps to keep the hair between their paw pads nice and trim. Not only does this make for easier application, but in Winter this hair can gather significant amounts of snow and ice and cause unnecessary irritation.

We were hoping that a bit of snow had held on to put Max Wax to a tougher test, but we were left with a relatively dry day. Still, we managed to find some dirt and mud to traipse through! We took a periodic glance at their paws and it was easy to see that wax remained even after several miles.

Cleaning Up

Pawz warns that the Max Wax could stain carpets or floors after a fresh application so we took care to rinse Harley’s paws before heading back inside. We noticed that the wax seemed to hold onto dirt from our walk but this may have had something to do with the damp conditions and play at the park.

Protection and dirt after a long walk

Either way, a quick rinse with warm water and a washcloth left Harley’s paws clean without negating the benefits of the paw wax. They appeared softer and more hydrated than before.

Cleaning dog paws after a walk

While we don’t use chemical pesticides on our property (preferring a natural approach to pest control), we do spend a fair bit of time at our local park which does. As pesticide season approaches, we love that their paws will have an additional barrier between the potentially dangerous chemicals.

Why MyDogLikes Max Wax All Natural Paw Wax

Unfortunately, many dog owners assume that their dog’s paws are invincible. As we explained above, many hazards exist due to temperatures on both ends of the spectrum. Hot pavement or asphalt can cause serious burns to your dog’s paws. In addition to extreme elements and heat, pesticides can pose a danger to your dog as they walk through their neighborhood. 

An added layer of protection is never a bad idea!

Max Wax is easy to apply and does a great job repelling water and creating an easy to clean barrier between the paw and anything else that your dog may walk through. Beyond simple protection, this formula is soothing and helps to heal rough, dry paws as well – therefore increasing your dog’s natural defenses. 

Would you like to try Pawz Max Wax for yourself?

Click here to pick some up on Amazon!

About the author

Rachael Sando

Rachael is a School Psychologist with degrees from the University of Rochester and RIT. Though a lifelong dog lover, this passion has taken on a new direction through the utilization of therapy animals in her day job. Charlie, our Golden Retriever, works with Rachael as a school therapy dog in a local primary school where he brings comfort and support to students and staff on a daily basis.


  • We live in northwestern PA. it gets very cold here, so I worry about my dogs’ feet in the freezing temps.

  • In the summer the hot cement on the streets and sidewalks. Plus we are at the beach all the time.

  • Hot pavement when walking. Fishing hooks when walking near lakes. Thank you for the review and giveaway.

  • We have their boots for the super cold days, but haven’t heard of the wax. So far we’ve never had paw issues, so probably not something we need, but good to know about.

  • i worry abt them getting things stuck in the paw, spurs or cutting their feet on rocks. i had a nasty neighbor that left a rusty horseshow where i park my car, i did not drive on it, but my middle child walked on it and got metal splinters in her paw, had to go to the vet to have them all removed. i also worry when we go to public places if they will pick up some bug or something on their feet or walk in something that could be dangerous. i wipe the girls feet w/ disinfectant when we get back to the car b4 we come home. i learned this from my dog breeder going to dog shows. before we go near the area of the rv, we spray the dog’s feet and our feet with disinfectant spray so as not to bring anythin back to the rv or our cars.

  • Most of our walks are within our own subdivision. Most houses have nice lawns, which means likely they use things like fertilizer and weed killer in the warm months, and de-icing salt during winter. I know that all these things are on the sidewalks, and I would much prefer my dogs not have to worry about them hurting their paw pads. My senior girl, Suki, doesn’t walk far these days (short walks down a handful of houses and back – repeating if she’s up to it) but her pads are very dry and I am especially worried about her getting irritants on her paws.

  • Definitely the chemicals they put on roads in the winter, and grass in the summer!! I like the sounds of this product…

  • what worries me the most is the long term effect that without protecting my furbabies paws I would love to keep them protected now that the nice weather is here and the pavement will be getting really hot thank you for the chance

  • My biggest concern is ALWAYS the Salt at winter and ice…. I’ve seen my dogs lay down from the pain. 🙁 During the Southern summers–the asphalt can melt your flesh….I worry about my dogs paws as they tend to get very dry. I have THREE furbabies !

  • I’m concerned about my dogs paws getting frostbit because we get freezing weather with lots of snow.

  • Pesticides and the like from neighbor’s yards are always worrisome for my two, as well as the hot ground. Always better to be safe than sorry.

  • We leave in Texas and the heat can be brutal. Not only hot pavement but hot, brittle grass can burn my furbabies paws. This product would be awesome pawsome protection!!

  • I worry about all the ice and ice melt we have in our neighborhood in the winter.ll

  • The salt and salt melt in the winter is a big concern. I have been using Pawz rubber bootties for both my dogs but I’d love to win and try the new wax

  • Definatley chemicals and disease. We live in the city so routine paw care is an everyday esential! Would luv to try this product. Thank you. Good luck everyone!

  • I worry about glass getting in my dogs paws. Our sidewalks are full of it unfortunately.

  • I live in New Mexico and I have two shih tzu’s and a lot of goat head stickers.

  • With the crazy weather around here, it’s the road salt that worries me the most. We’ll usually avoid walking on the roads for a couple of days after a storm. Sheba is fine with the Pawz boots but the other two will have nothing to do with them, so I’ve had trying wax on my list of things to do. This sounds great. I would think you could just wipe their paws off with an old towel before coming indoors, which we usually do anyway.

  • For my therapy dog my concern is the inordinate amount of salt facilities put on walkways up to their doors. I’ve been looking for a good way short of booties (PITA) to make it safer for him to enter.

  • In the winter, road salt concerns me the most. But even throughout the year, my dogs tend to get dry, cracked pads. This would be great to try.

  • My dog scratches me so bad! Although its partialy my fault for letting her jump on me… but when her nails are even a little long she gets me good! Also our poor couch. We always have to stay ontop of her nails!