MyDogLife Blog

Keeping Tabs on your Dog with the PupAlert Pet Temperature Monitor

Written by Kevin Sando

Our pets are a part of the family and we worry about their well-being whenever we aren’t with them. One of the things that has always concerned us, is the temperature of their environment. You may not think that this is a concern in your own home, but let me ask you – Would you have any idea if you lost power while you were away at work and your pet is home alone?

Chances are, no, and this could cause your pet to be trapped in a potentially dangerous situation.

Well, today we are very excited to let you know about a completely new type of pet safety device – The PupAlert Smart Dog Temperature Monitor.

PupAlert is currently entering the manufacturing phase of development and they are sponsoring this post to help spread the word about their Kickstarter campaign to help bring this product to market!

Click Here to Check it Out!

Introducing the PupAlert

The PupAlert is a cellular enabled temperature sensing unit that pairs with a mobile app to give you real time updates on your pets environment. Not only does it allow you to check in on them as desired, but you will be instantly notified should there ever be an issue.

We all know that high temperatures can put your pets at risk, but extreme cold can be just as dangerous, and the PupAlert has you covered at both ends of the spectrum.

Even better, is that they have developed a breed specific database because let’s face it, not all dogs are built the same! A pug can’t handle the heat as well as an Australian Cattle Dog. On the other hand a chihuahua won’t be able to put up with cold like a Husky. PupAlert will take the needs of YOUR dog into consideration before alerting you of potential danger.

Technical Specifications

  • Cellular Connectivity – No need to mess around with WiFi as a built in SIM card connects to the AT&T network and provides nearly complete coverage of the United States
  • 5 Day Battery Life – A built in battery means that the PupAlert can be used on the go and will also continue monitoring in your home should you lose power.
  • Water Resistant – No need to stress about a bit of slobber or water splashing onto the surface of the unit.
  • Compact Size – 3″ X 3″ footprint makes  the PupAlert convenient to grab and go
  • Durable – Hard poly-carbonate case keeps the electronics protected

PupAlert App

You can access your PupAlert via a mobile app which is free from both the iTunes and Google play store. This is where you enter basic information about your dog, as well as set primary and secondary contacts to notify in an emergency. Notifications can be in the form of texts, emails, or push notifications.

You are also able to see in real-time the ambient temperature surrounding your pet as well as the battery level of your PupAlert.

Who Could Use a Pet Temperature Monitor?

While we think that the PupAlert would provide peace of mind for any pet parent (even in their own homes) below are a few scenarios where we think it would be particularly useful…

RV Owners

We are huge proponents of traveling with pets – and those that do so in an RV will on occasion need to leave their pets unattended. If the RV park were to lose power, or their generator fail while they are away the PupAlert would send a notification directly to their mobile device to alert them of a potentially dangerous situation.

Agility/Sporting Dogs

Those who compete with their dogs know that their is a lot of waiting involved, and often times dogs are kept crated between runs. The PupAlert would allow owners to keep tabs on just how warm or cold it is for their pup and take action if necessary. 

Leaving your Dog in the Car

We all know that dogs should never be left in a hot car, but what about with the A/C running?

I know many wonderful pet parents who have had to resort to this option while traveling alone. What else can you do if you need a quick stop to use the restroom?!

Whether or not this is something that you personally feel comfortable with, it will happen, and knowing that pet parents could be warned if their pet is in danger should be appealing to any animal advocate.

Why MyDogLikes the PupAlert

The MyDogLikes crew had early access to a beta version of this device and mobile application to share our thoughts.

We loved the concept straight away and thought that the breed specific temperature monitoring was especially clever. We found the app to be simple and intuitive to use, and loved being able to set multiple emergency contacts just in case one of us could not be reached. The notifications were certainly alarming (which is a good thing) and impossible to ignore! Although we have yet to hold a finalized version in our hands, we love the look of the latest renderings.

How You Can Help

The PupAlert team is looking to raise funds for manufacturing!

Click Here to Support them on Kickstarter!

If you would like to be among the first owners, make sure to visit their Kickstarter page for introductory rates and some really cool bonuses as well!

About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.