Dog Health Supply Reviews

Blue Buffalo Dental Chews for Dogs Review

Charlie shopping at Petsmart for some Dental Chews! There were tons of options to choose from!
Written by Kevin Sando

Charlie, the million dollar smile man, knows how important it is to have clean, fresh, teeth. While dental care is important all year round, its especially on his mind during February which is Dog Dental Health Month.

Charlie, our Golden Retriever dog smiling!

Even a silly puppy like Charlie knows that good dental hygiene can help to combat periodontal disease, a serious but preventable problem, that occurs in about 80% of aging pups!

Our Golden Retriever dog brushing teeth!

Charlie knows that regular brushing goes a long way in keeping his teeth healthy.

Brushing dogs teeth is an important part of dog dental health. It can help prevent periodontal disease - a common problem in aging pets!

He can’t help but notice that he doesn’t brush as often as Mom and Dad and worries that his 24k smile might become tarnished. What’s a dog to do?

Charlie is unsure what to do with his prop Dog Toothbrush! "How am I supposed to fit this thing in my mouth!"

Lucky for Charlie, Harley knows just what to do. While regular veterinary care and brushing is important, he knows that there are things he can do BETWEEN brushings to keep his breath fresh and his teeth clean… Dental Chews!!

Heading into Petsmart to check out the great deals and selection for Dog Dental Health Month

Off to the pet store!

Charlie shopping at Petsmart for some Dental Chews! There were tons of options to choose from!

Introducing Blue Buffalo Dental Chews for Dogs

With so many choices, it can be hard to pick the perfect one. One of MyDogLikes’ personal favorites is Blue Buffalo Dental Bones, the only dental chew that also has ingredients used to support joint, heart, and immune system health!

Blue Bones natural dental chews help to clean dogs teeth and freshen breath

You will never find any meat by-products, corn, wheat, or soy in BLUE Bones Dental chews. Only the finest natural ingredients come together to form these highly digestible (and yummy) bones.

MyDogLikes reviews BLUE Bones dog dental chews. Pictured is a sampling of the available BLUE Dog Treats

BLUE Bones come in 4 different sizes (mini, small, regular, and large) and also Puppy and Wilderness grain free varieties. We chose the large which is for dogs 50lb and up! The boys are strong chewers, small bones just won’t cut it!

Checking out at our local Petsmart store! The boys love shopping at Petsmart where they get plenty of love and attention!

Off to the register, man are these people nice!

Blue Buffalo Dental Bones Review

You might think that dental chews such as BLUE Bones, which are designed to clean and freshen breath, might be minty or medicinal, but you’d be mistaken! These chews are no joke and smell delicious and smokey!

Reviewing Blue Buffalo Dental Chews to help spread the word about Dog Dental Health Month

Harley BLUE Bones

In fact they were so tasty the boys wanted another,  but Mom reminded them that one-a-day is plenty to keep the dog dentist away.

Dental Chews for Dogs do a great job in cleaning teeth and freshening breath in between brushings!

Why MyDogLikes Blue Buffalo Dental Chews

Recently, we got a scare with Harley. At his latest vet check up, he had a chipped tooth and a mass growing in his mouth. We routinely check his mouth and body for lumps and bumps and were shocked by this discovery. He has a procedure scheduled to remove the mass and clean his teeth. He will be OK. For now, we are supposed to watch the chipped tooth to make sure that it doesn’t get infected. Our best chance at keeping his mouth healthy is to continue with good oral hygiene.

Using a giant toothbrush in our Dog Dental Health Month photoshoot! Visit MyDogLikes for lots of dog products reviews and funny dog pics!

This means a combination of regular brushing, and dental chews such as Blue Bones from Blue Buffalo.

Charlie loves BLUE bones - Dog Dental Chews!

Now that’s something to smile about!

Want to try out Blue Buffalo Dental Chews for Yourself?

About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.


    • We agree!! The dogs LOVE the taste of them as well! I had opened them for the first time when they were outside and when they came in, they were searching around for that smokey smell! Gobbled them right up!

  • Sorry to hear about your scare with Harley and glad he will be OK!

    I’m horrible. I bought Sherman and Leroy a new dental kit for Christmas and I forgot about it until the other day when it fell out of the cupboard onto my head.

    • HA! We are trying to get in the habit of more regular brushing too, the guilt is REAL. That’s why we LOVE having dental chews and other safe chews that help to clean their teeth!

  • You look so happy with your Dental Chew! And you most assuredly do have a 24million dollar smile. The Farm cats like their dental treats a lot too

    • Charlie is always happy! He loves to feel like he is getting something special…I love that his teeth are getting clean! I bet those kitties are interested too!

  • Great post! That’s quite a toothbrush you’ve got there, Charlie! We’re so glad PetSmart is placing a keen focus on pet dental health this month, it’s super impawtant for overall pet health! So Glad Charlie’s mass turned out to be minor.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis & Phoebe
    Dogs Luv Us and we Luv Them

    • We agree. Tooth problems can lead to so many other health concerns. Prevention is absolutely the way to go!

  • I should check those out for sure. We do a daily brushing but Laika still gets some tartar build up, especially on the back upper teeth. Any extra bit of prevention helps, oral care is so often overlooked when it comes to our pets well being and overall health.

    • Our boys are excellent chewers, so they take care of the daily maintenance. Its great to have these between brushings!

    • Haha, thank you! He sure is a cutie! I hope you think of little Charlie the next time you brush!

  • That’s one giant toothbrush! My golden Ike tends to choke on some brands of dental chews, he doesn’t have many teeth left due to eating through doors at his previous home, so that may be why.

    • Yes, this is not Charlie’s real toothbrush, just a fun one for our photos! It sounds like Ike has had some serious dental health issues, I am so sorry.

  • Thank you for helping to bring awareness to dental hygiene for all fur friends! Also these picture made my day especially Charlie holding his toothbrush

    • Thanks Ashley. Just like humans the mouth can be gateway to many other issues in the body including heart and kidney problems. Prevention is absolutely key!Im glad that Charlie was able to bring a smile to your face. That’s what he does it us too!

      • With all the talk about teeth brushing I think I’m gonna try these – I get my teeth brushed every day, but an extra ounce of prevention would be good – I’m gonna get momma to take me to Pet Smart today to pick these up!

        • Absolutely! They are a great way to supplement your regular dental routine. Between bones/raw diet, dental toys, chews, and brushing…we keep their mouths happy and healthy! Have fun at petsmart!!

    • The boys report they are super yummy! We got it as a fun little prop, but it really did a nice job of reaching those chompers!

    • Thank you! We got it as a prop, but honestly, it got the job done and he was way more cooperative for brushing with it!! We will keep you posted about Harley, thanks for your concern!

  • Great job!!! Your pearly whites are looking spectacular! Every time mom gives us dental chews we practically swallow them whole, not sure they actually get the job done! BOL! Great post!!

    • We have to tell Harley to slow down and breathe, but he is a megga-chewer and much more cooperative with brushing so we don’t worry as much about it! Charlie on the other hand uses them as directed..enjoying them over a couple of minutes!

    • Thank you!! His smile really does light up a room…such a goofball! His dental chews sure do help keep it bright and clean!

    • Thank you!! He is blushing all over the place because of your kind words! Hopefully you think of little Charlie the next time you start to brush!

  • What a lovely smile, Charlie! I love dental chews, but unfortunately I can’t typically give them to the fluffies. Mauja *usually* is fine when she eats them, but for some reason Atka randomly gets sick after eating them. I think his poor tummy is just too sensitive. We stick to bully sticks for our dental cleaning additions 😉

    • The boys love bully sticks and antlers to round out their chewing pleasures! Thanks for stopping by!

  • This is A great reminder and I love going to PetSmart with Dexter. We are advocates of keeping teeth clean, so these products are on our must have list. TY!

    • Thanks Carol. It really is so much fun to take them to PetSmart! Love finding things that are safe and healthy!

    • You are right….We just need to remind ourselves that its slow going with a puppy! He turns into a bucking bronco when he doesn’t want to do something! HA! Enjoy the Blue Bones too Sweet Girl!!

  • Great post – dental health is so important, for cats too! And Charlie is a great model!

    • You are in a better habit than we are! Our boys are such good chewers we don’t feel as pressured to do it everyday….Having some options for between brushings is great!

    • That’s our Charlie…always a smile on his little face! Even when he is brushing! You are so right, dental health and whole body health are so intertwined.

        • Yes, that’s right! He loves to show off his teeth. It is so odd when we get a picture that he isn’t smiling in. I think he is just about the happiest little puppy ever!

  • You are so handsome Charlie! And your smile is fabulous. Shiner is going to try these bones for the first time soon and now we are even more excited! They look delicious!

  • We will definitely be trying these Blue Dental Chews! They are one of many on our list to try! Your photos are AWESOME and we can tell the boys like to get their photo taken!

    • They really are! Tooth brushing is not something either of the boys love, so we like to have options for between brushings and these along with some select toys are the ticket!

    • Thank you. We always try to do a fun narrative that shows off their personalities. Otherwise, reviews could get dry! I hope it was informative and you have something else to add to the Dental Health bag of tricks!

  • Okay, I have to ask, where did you get the giant toothbrush? I am still using a fairly small brush and that would make brushing in Reya’s mouth so much easier! Your boy also seems like just as much of a ham in front of the camera as my Reya! She starts posing the moment she sees a phone or my DSLR come out! lol!

    • We got it as a joke online…turns out it makes brushing squirmy little puppy teeth A LOT easier! I think Reya and Charlie could have quite the photo shoot together, what do you think?

    • Thank you. We always try to have a fun narrative that shows off their personalities. So glad you enjoyed it and that you stopped by today!

    • It certainly is only a supplement and does not take the place of regular dental care. Like all things…in moderation. We have tried others before and really liked these!

    • They smell really smokey and great! They are calorie dense too, so when we go hiking we take them with us. Double duty!

    • He loves pretty much everything….Except for getting into the bath tub! Thanks for stopping by! We are HUGE fans of yours!

  • Wow, that’s one big tooth brush! Beautiful teeth. Love the photos. Thanks for sharing the information…dog dental health is important!

  • I love the way you’ve done this review, and the photos of your dog are precious. You obviously take very good care of him. I hope he won’t have any problems with chipped too, and that that mass doesn’t come back. All the best! Stay safe.

    • Thank you Jeanne. We love them both so much. We have always been told that Harley had good teeth, helped in part by his love of chewing bones, but Im afraid that is what caused the chip! We will just keep taking care of those teeth, senior and puppy!

    • Ha! It is pretty big…I got it as a joke, but it actually is a LOT easier to use to brush squirmy puppy teeth!

  • I LOVE the Blue Buffalo product line. And my PetSmart stores know me (and my dogs) by name….I think we’re their a little too much 😉 On a side note, what camera do you use for your pictures? They’re BEAUTIFUL!

    • You can never be there too much! Its such good socialization….and lots of fun! Thank you for your kind words re. the photos. I use a Nikon D3300, its not super expensive in terms of DSLR but is great quality!

  • Good job Charile you made brushing our teeth look almost fun! Thanks for sharing this important message about taking care of our teeth. Love Dolly

    • Thanks for checking out the post Dolly! Are you cooperative with tooth brushing? I bet you are a good chewer!