Dog Product Buying Guides

MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide

Don't forget all the furry friends on your shopping list! Get some great ideas and special deals in MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide!
Written by Kevin Sando

The leaves are gone, and the snow is falling – Its time to start that holiday shopping!  And as you might expect, we don’t want you to forget about all the furry friends on your holiday lists!

How to Use This Guide:

We have broken down this guide into several categories so you can browse by product type, price, or from our own dogs personal lists!  Make sure to click on any item of interest and it will drop down a tab with more information.  This includes a brief description of the product as well as links to our official MyDogLikes Review and where you can purchase the item.

Also watch out for some exclusive discounts for our readers!

Top Recommendations by Product Type

MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - Toys - Dogs just want to have fun

MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - Treats - To savor the moment

MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - Accessories - Every dog needs them

Top Recommendations by Price

MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - Stocking Stuffers - A little extra something

MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - Spoiled Pups - Because they're worth it

And finally, Straight From the Experts 

MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - Harley's List - For the distinguished dog

MyDogLikes 2014 Holiday Gift Guide - Charlie's List - For the silly, active dog



About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.


    • I bet the whole gang has been good……I imagine Santa will bring some nice surprises for you!!!

  • Wow I have no idea how you laid it out like this but it’s amazing. It looks perfect. I know Laika and I would agree with your recommendations because we’re already bug fans of Jolly Balls, Zukes treats, and Chuck It! toys 🙂 I’ve gotta get a list put together and I’ve got some thinking to do… I know the National Retail Federation said the average owner spends $30 for Xmas on their pets – I’m going to try my best to stick around that number this year..

    • Thanks Jen! Kev set it all up, so I cant comment too much on that!!
      As far as the recommendations go…. Seems like we (and our pups) have great taste!! I think I am guilty of spending over the $30…but its not a bad guide to use!!

  • Thanks for these recommendations! I wasn’t sure about what to give my doggie to make Christmas a little more special, and now I got it 🙂

    • Make sure to stop in and let us know what you picked out and how your pup is enjoying it Lily!!

    • Chewy!! You silly boy! It wouldnt be the right toy for you to chew, just to chase and run after (and I know you like to run). If you are looking for some good chew toys, we love all of the West Paw toys (they come with a one time replacement too) !!