Dog Accessory Reviews

Staying in Control with a 2 Handle Dog Leash from Lucky & Co.

Written by Kevin Sando

When walking with the boys it seems like I am constantly adjusting the length of their leashes by wrapping them around my hand.

I adjust the length of the leash for a number of reasons: we may be passing near another dog or person, encounter traffic, or because I may sense a potential danger on the ground that I want to keep them away from.

Choking up on dog leash by wrapping it around my hand

Wrapping a leash around your wrist isn’t exactly comfortable and could cause serious injury to your wrist and hand should you be pulled by your dog suddenly. In instances where I want to choke up on the leash and wrap it around my wrist, I often find that its not very time effective either. As every dog owner knows, seconds matter in dog-dog interactions.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to quickly adjust between 2 lengths without having to stop? Thankfully, we were recently approached by a company who had a great solution to this problem

Introducing the Lucky & Co. 2 Handle Dog Leash

While at first glance it looks like a standard 4ft leash, the Hand-in-Hand leash adds a very important feature – a second handle close to your dog’s body. Lucky & Co. was kind enough to send one over for us to review (and they are also sponsoring a great giveaway below!).

Reviewing the 2 Handle Dog Leash from Lucky & Co.

Why 2 Handles?

Well, to put it simply, different situations require different levels of control.

Sometimes you need to keep your dog right by your side, while other times they can casually walk several feet away. This leash allows you to easily reach down and bring them close whenever the need arises!

Holding onto the short handle of the Hand-in-Hand leash

The Problems with Most Adjustable Length Leashes

Perhaps you have seen the leashes on the market whose length can be adjusted? Well, we have tried several, and they all require releasing and reattaching the snap to change lengths. While these certainly have their place, it’s not exactly something which can be done mid-walk!

What about retractable leashes?

Well, we don’t recommend these for a number of reasons, including:

  • The extra slack can give your dog the sensation of being off leash. If they forget they are leashed and begin to run they can become seriously injured when they reach the end of the line and snap back.
  • The corded line can give SERIOUS rope burn if it travels against you. Rachael can tell you this first hand – and show you a nasty scar!
  • The retraction mechanisms tend to malfunction over time – perhaps leaving you in a very difficult situation.

Here is a great resource to learn about more potential retractable leash dangers!

Demonstrating the short handle of the dual lead

Hand-in-Hand Dual Leash Features

Besides the obvious second handle (which is located about 12″ away from the latch clasp), this leash has several other unique aspects which make it perfect for daily walks.

Double Layered

Traditional nylon leashes are single layer and can fray over time. Because little Charlie has been know to chew on a leash when he is anxious, we love the added thickness of this lead. We also love that it is still lightweight!

Padded Handle

The main leash handle has a cushy rubber lining which not only makes it easy to grip, but extremely comfortable as well. Once you get used to this luxury you will have trouble going back to a standard nylon handle!

Highlighting the padded handle of the Lucky & Co. dog leash

Durable Hardware

The Hand-in-Hand leash has an ultra thick clasp for added durability. No skimping on materials here!

The Hand-in-Hand dog leash is complete with heavy duty hardware

Our Dual Handle Leash Review

The Lucky & Co. Hand-in-Hand leash comes neatly packaged in a cardboard box. I was immediately struck by the padded handle and couldn’t wait to test it out. Even a well behaved dog will pull from time to time which can hurt and lead to callouses on your hand.

The Hand-in-Hand leash comes packaged neatly in a cardboard box

As expected, the padded handle felt great in my hand and I also liked the overall weight of the leash. The clasp movement was smooth and I was impressed with the thickness of the metal. I hate to see an otherwise quality product finished with cheap hardware! Not the case here, this latch clasp will no doubt last for many years to come!

Out on a walk to test out our new dog leash

I decided to test out the leash with Harley, whose hearing has gotten a bit more selective in old age. Several times during the course of a walk I need to pull him close to keep him from demanding pets from passersby or acting tough in front of neighborhood dogs.

While walking with the Hand-in-Hand Dual Leash, I found that it was convenient to reach down the length of the leash and grab the close handle when I needed to keep Harley under control. I actually kept finding myself wrapping the end of the leash around my hand out of habit before realizing that it was no longer necessary.

I am very excited to have this leash in our arsenal, and it has become my go-to for our daily walks!

Why MyDogLikes this Dual Handle Leash

We love to see a new take on a classic item, and the Hand-in-Hand Leash manages to add a whole new level of practicality to the standard leash. The ability to pull your dog in close is something that all dog owners require from time to time. Even though an extra handle may seem pretty common sense, I have never before seen a leash with this feature!

The Lucky & Co. leash is well made, easy to use, and makes life much easier for busy pet parents! We would highly recommend picking one up for yourself or a friend!

Want to give the Hand-in-Hand Leash a Try?

Click Here to Purchase from Amazon


About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.


  • Sounds like a great leash to have for a bigger dog, like your boys and my Shadow; but not very practical for use with a smaller dog, like my Ducky. If the second handle is only 12″ away from the clasp, that means I’d have to stoop down/over to grasp/hold it as Ducky is only half Shadow’s height. That would not be a very comfortable walking position, at least for me. Does this make sense or am I missing something?

    • You bring up a good point – definitely more suited for medium and large dogs. Golden’s are all we know so that thought hadn’t even crossed our minds! I imagine pulling far away is less of an issue with smaller dogs though? More of the leash length is running vertically vs. horizontally?

      • I think the short handled part would be convenient for small dogs when you are in busy area -more than for pulling; for example, when someone is approaching you on the sidewalk & you don’t want your dog to stray on their side of the sidewalk (particularly if you know they don’t like dogs or a dog that is not friendly with yours), busy farmer’s markets, etc.

  • We tried using a retractable leash on our dog Marley, but she would end up pulling and walking way ahead of us. We went back to a standard leash, which has decreased the pulling, but I would like to try this two handle leash. She still gets distracted,especially by other dogs.

  • We have 4 dogs and this sure would come in handy. We do not use nor we ever have a retractable leash. Those things are a danger to your dogs

  • The biggest trigger for us are the neighbors cats. Dexter will lose his $#!$ when he sees them.

  • Be careful with the leash hand wrapping. I know 2 different people who broke their arms/hands doing that & one of them needed surgery!

  • Bear is my seizure alert dog, and he actually loves cats and people too much!! He doesn’t chase cats, but he will notice them and want to get closer, just to get scratched… I’m excellent at training dogs and volunteer my time with unwanted, strays, and those with “issues”. This would be amazing to win for them!!

  • My Sadie is so passive. Most of the time the only trigger I see is her tugging and pulling me a different direction.

  • Any moving object can be a trigger for my dogs especially if it has four legs. Squirrels are the worst trigger!

  • If she sees another dog she gets excited and usually tries to break free from me. Or, if she hears a loud vehicle or fire whistle she becomes very scared.

  • I have a leash very similar to this on my Boston Terrier, he is 13″ at the shoulder and 22#. I used a ziptie to attacked the lower loop against the main leash so it won’t flop down. It is the right length at 6ft to give him some freedom but he’s not a puller. I use the short handle if I need to pull him close for people to pass. If I see other dogs, I will go where they can’t see us as I don’t trust most people to be able to control their dogs and my Boston is small with a flat face and helpless. This is a very useful leash style!

  • My dogs trigger is other dogs. He wants to make friends and play but not every dog is as friendly as him.

  • i watch out to see if there are anything that might make my girls want to take off and go after like a deer or another animal, so i can be prepared and hold the leash more firmly. i also watch to see if there is anything that might make them scared and want to run.

  • Don’t wrap your leash! The safest way to hold it is to slip the loop over your hand so it’s on your wrist like a bracelet, then grasp the leash from the palm of your hand to hold. That way your dog won’t slip loose and your hand will be safe from crushing.

  • Cooper thinks he has to protect me from everyone and everything. He will bark and growl at people from tot to senior. Most of the time he only needs a little resistance from the leash to reign him in, but sometimes it takes more. I always keep him close when we people or animals are near, for their sense of comfort as well as mine. This leash would work great.

  • My dog gets triggered by other dogs of course. She also gets scared of people coming up to her very fast.

  • I have a double handled leash for my dog and it def comes in handy sometimes! My dog can be leash-reactive when we walk so I always avoid other dogs whenever possible when we go for walks

  • Anything that walks by my dogs cause them to bark and pull. It can be a leaf, a person, a plastic bag, or a squirrel!

  • We live in the country on a twisty narrow road and deer,groundhogs,rabbits even cows make our boy want to go investigate more :).This leash would be great to pull him closer when cars are also on the road.Will have to check into getting one :).Thanks for a great review!

  • My one year old dog is a puller and every time he sees a person or another person or a dog it’s awful pulling!

  • He just surges ahead especially when he sees another dog, or if he notices something on the side of the road.

  • Cats or squirrels can trigger my dog pulling quickly on the leash. I keep an eye out for them.

  • Some triggers for my puppy is other animals. She also loves people so she loves to say hi to everyone.

  • Our pomchi Denali has issues with poodles. He has to try and intimidate them. our American Eskimo Alyeska is triggered by anything. She has gotten a little better with some behavior training, but still its hard to walk her when anyone or anything is around.

  • If we see a cat, some dogs and if kids have a ball she going to try to go play.

  • I have three rescued Treeing Walker Coonhounds, all of who are pullers. They weigh from 67 to 82 pounds, and I walk two or three at a time (two when my daughter is with us and she walks one of them). We live in a nice subdivision with a pond in the middle – a pond that attracts Canadian geese and Mallard ducks. We have quite a few feral cats in our area, plus plenty of homes that have one or more dogs (luckily usually in their fenced back yards). There are lots of kids, too, and my dogs just LOVE kids, and always want to say hello. So, there are plenty of distractions that can get one or more of the dogs wanting to run off in one direction or another. This leash sounds like it could really help keep my crazy hounds under control!

  • Well some of my dog’s triggers are- dogs, rabbits, squirells, bicycles, skate boards, and school busses.

  • Well, recently my aussie has decided that he needs to act like a jerk towards dogs and people. He is usually the friendly guy there is but he has started raising hackles and barking at dogs and people he knows and doesn’t know. So we are working on this and having different length in my lead would really help.

  • I watch for unfriendly dogs on the neighborhood. My dogs also love children and will run up to them so I watch for them too.

  • I watch for other dogs, cats, squirrels and bunnies. She loves to chase squirrels, bunnies and cats!

  • Our dog loves going after lizards and frogs. However, he’s very yappy with strangers.

  • My dog will lunge at anything moving.. bunnies, squirrels, other dogs.. she pulls!

  • I always watch out for blackberries because my dog loves to eat them and is highly allergic!

  • My chihuahua typically feels stress when he encounters other dogs – especially if the other dog is off-leash.

  • SQUIRREL! Seriously, Yoda goes bonkers for the prospect of chasing a squirrel! We also go for walks on college campuses nearby that have a lot of geese that he can’t seem to resist either.

  • Well Krypto barks at anything and goes running instead of walking so the retractable lash would help when other animals or people are near by.

  • My dog’s triggers is other dogs but not all. Some he’s friendly with and the others that bark and growl at him he starts doing that and pulling on the leash.

  • Wow, I like the idea of this leash for our Great Dane! My husband uses a retractable one an I hate it for her, I use a traditional one. Her triggers are bunnies, coyotes, ground squirrels, mice, and lately her favorite are lizards.

  • Ugh – I wish I could say I only want this leash but I really NEED it. Our triggers are people approaching us or even worse people with dogs. I have 3 dogs – a pug, a Bugg and a 75 lb boxer. Today on our morning walk the boxer lunged at a lady and made contact with her leg with his newly clipped nails……..and she was the wrong person. They wanted my info, filed a police report, and sought medical treatment (in that order). I feel awful that it happened. Now he is quarantined at home for 10 days for a scratch (myself, the police officer, and the medical professional all said it was a scratch, not a bite and he is fully vaccinated anyway).

  • People, other dogs and with the shepherd it’s squirrels and the pit it’s bugs too!

  • One of my dog-in-law’s triggers is other dogs, especially puppies. He is a French Mastiff, so he’s about 135 pounds and a very strong puller!

  • Casey loves everybody, but sometimes his bark changes when he sees someone approaching. He seems to not like people who wear hats. When his bark changed, I reach down and take hold of his harness so I have complete control of him. Thanks for introducing me to this super leash and for the giveaway!

    • LOL, our boys perk up when they see bunnies as well and Charlie has absolutely tried to join in on somebody’s jog!

  • Abby is really good, but when we have Toby Won Kenobi with us, just about everything is a trigger to him still – from cars to deer to other dogs. I’m tearing my hair out with him!

  • Odins triggers are squirrels and of all things snakes. Luckily we dont live where the snakes are poison but if he sees a garter snake he grabs and shakes like he has lost his mind. He also will pull when there is the sound of a motorcycle or loud noises. He is good size so this would work well.

  • I haven’t tried this leash yet, but this all because we have nice old leash that my husband got for our Spike. It’s not leather, but it’s very sturdy, and been using for years now. One thing I like about it is that the collar part is designed to tighten on to the dog’s neck when pulled by the leash.

  • I have to watch for when one or both of my dog’s start to quickly sniff the air with her head tilted back.That is a sure sign that there is another animal (Raccoon,Possum,Coyote or a cat)nearby.I make sure to pick up any slack in her leash.

  • This leash would work very well for me – I would use the shorter section when close to traffic.

  • Rabbits and other dogs, and cats too. They are special delights for our malamute. 🙂

  • Being in a crowd is his trigger he wants to sniff everything and greet everyone. He’said a strong rough collie.

  • I have to watch for other dogs when we walk. Even if one of mine gets a sniff of another dog, its off we go!

  • My furbaby has tons on triggers. Squirrels, cats, other dogs. This definitely would be amazing. Thank you so much for the chance to win

  • My MinPin produces a low rumble and the fur at the base of his neck stands up when we are yards away from what he thinks it is his jib to engage with.

  • We have to watch out for other dogs. She gets to excited to see possible new friends.

  • Oh my gosh, my dog is a huge puller all the time but if there’s another dog or person she’s even worse. She loves everything and everybody.

  • She doesn’t like the metal grate not at where we walk, so sjw tugs to avoid that area.