Blog Hop

Black & White Sunday: Bocce Bully

Our Golden Retriever Charlie proud to have grabbed a bocce ball
Written by Rachael Sando

Looking at this sweet face, its hard to imagine that this could also be the face of a bully. Specifically, a Bocce bully!

Don't let that sweet smile fool you!

For those who are unfamiliar with the game, a small ball is thrown by one player and then all of the other players try to throw their ball as close as possible to score points. Bocce is a fun yard game. Its easy, relaxing, and has traditionally been enjoyed by both man and beast at MyDogLikes. That is until Charlie came around, and turned our lives into one giant game of fetch!

Playing Bocce with dogs around is easier said than done!

Wow, you are going to throw that for me!ย 

Charlie trying to decide which ball to chase!

Let me just get that for you…

Our Golden Retriever Charlie standing over a Bocce ball

“I got it, I got it…and you can’t have it back!”

Dogs playing chase in the backyard

Charlie took a short break to play with his BFF, Meera, but was soon back to carrying out his reign of terror on backyard bocce!ย 

Our dog watching the Bocce game intently.

This Bocce Bully has claimed a ball for himself!

After dozens ofย failed ย “Leave it” commands, and our patience running thin, we decided to take Charlieย inside the house so we could finish our game.

Trying to catch our dog Charlie!

“Go ahead and try to catch me!”

Oh no! Somebody is headed for a timeout to cool down!

Gotcha! Into the crate you go for some quiet reflection time….

Charlie cooling down after getting a little too rambunctious in the backyard!

Hmm, well I don’t whether he “reflected” or simply went off to dreamland to relive his glorious moments in the backyard! Either way, I guess we still have some more work to do at Puppy School! Look at this face though, can you honestly stay mad?!ย 

Looks like somebody was tired after all!

Are all dogs “Bocce Bullies”? No, not Harley. He prefers to sit politely and referee!

Meanwhile, Harley takes his job of referee very seriously!

Many thanks to Nola the Dachshund and Sugar the Golden Retriever for hosting this Black and White Sunday Blog Hop!!

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Do you have a backyard bully at home?

About the author

Rachael Sando

Rachael is a School Psychologist with degrees from the University of Rochester and RIT. Though a lifelong dog lover, this passion has taken on a new direction through the utilization of therapy animals in her day job. Charlie, our Golden Retriever, works with Rachael as a school therapy dog in a local primary school where he brings comfort and support to students and staff on a daily basis.