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2017 Spring Fling Pet Blogger Giveaway

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Written by Kevin Sando

For the second year in a row, MyDogLikes is teaming up with some of our favorite pet bloggers to bring you a very special giveaway…

…and you will have the chance to win something great for both you and your furry friends!

Pet Blogger Giveaway Prizes

Now that we have your attention!

To enter, simply follow the steps in the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this page!

Best of All?

You can increase your odds of winning by entering on each and every blog listed below! The more you enter the greater your chances of winning!

Make sure to get in all your entries in by Tuesday, April 25 at 11:59pm EST.

One “finalist” will be randomly selected from each of the 10 participating blogs and entered into the overall prize drawing. 3 winners will be randomly selected from this pool to receive the prizes listed above. The winners will be announced on MyDogLikes Facebook page next Tuesday, April 25.

Terms & Conditions: 
No purchase necessary. Giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents age 18 and older, except where prohibited by law. Giveaway will run from April 19 to April 25, 2017 at 11:59pm EST. Three (3) winners will be randomly selected and notified via email. Winners will have 48 hours to claim their prizes; failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the prize. Twitter and Pinterest do not sponsor, administer, or endorse this promotion. Participants must read and agree to Rafflecopter’s Privacy Policy before entering and participating in this promotion.
Each participating blogger paid an entry fee which will be used to fund the grand prize. The 2nd and 3rd place prizes were generously donated by the participating brands. Please be sure to visit their websites to see all the incredible pet products they have to offer.

About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.


  • I am excited about getting outdoors and making a vegetable garden and raising some new baby chickens.

  • no big plans, just looking forward to getting outdoors more with my dog and enjoying the nice weather.

  • enjoying the weather while planting my vegetable/fruit garden and spending lots of play time with my 3 furry babies.

  • I’m excited about the spring time because the weather is so nice. My walks with my dogs got longer as well as opportunities to go to outdoor festivals and other fun things increase.

  • Were finally going on our trip we have been planning for years our 30th Wedding Anniversary trip to Punta Cana in May. I can’t wait!!

  • Just taking more walks in the spring time has me excited for this time of year! I feel like I’m more active with my dog in the spring.

  • While we did have a pretty mild winter, it was still too cold for taking the long walks my dogs love to go on. Now that spring is finally here and the weather is nearly perfect, it’s time to get back outdoors. Walks, or just playing with my dogs in our yard. We have three cats, two of who take turns on the window seat where they watch bird- or squirrel-TV. They even watch the dogs playing in the yard. My cats don’t go outside though. They’re happier and healthier indoors.

  • I’ve got too much planned this spring … I’m taking my dog to Lousiville, KY, Huntsville, AL, and of course Myrtle Beach. I’m also hoping to so a dog friendly tour of Michigan this summer.

  • I love the spring weather, and we have a bunch of agility and flyball events we will be enjoying with our pack.

  • I love working in the garden and taking the dog for walks first thing in the morning and checking other peoples flowers, no plans to do anything as of yet

  • I like seeing the plants and animals out and about. We’re winding down camping/hiking/backpacking season, because soon it will be too hot for us to be outside (triple digits + humidity), so I’m a little bummed, but we are going on a small road trip for an Odor Recognition Test.

  • I’m looking forward to planting and replanting. Taking my dog to the park and just enjoying the lovely weather

  • I’m hoping to find our new house soon so we might have a bigger yard and maybe even start a garden

  • I’m most excited about being able to open up my windows and doors to let in the fresh air! I’m also excited to be able to spring clean and get the old stuff out!

  • No big plans in the near future, but I’m so happy that it’s finally spring! The whole family including the pets love to be outside so we will definitely be going on many hikes!

  • Looking forward to the grass getting greener, the trees coming into full bloom, and fresh air.

  • Spending time outside with my puppy and taking him for walks and teaching him things. Also my garden and flowerbeds!

  • I have a landscaping project I want to do in my yard. Although I am not excited to do it, I am excited for it to be finished!

  • We don’t have anything planned, but we have been taking the opportunity to get to the beach more often and do some more adventurous things.

  • Spring this year is amazing because I just moved South, so it gets warmer faster! I have plans to go to museums, amusement parks, and possibly traveling to the beach because it’s close. -Emily Ann

  • I’m excited this spring about the flowers that are getting ready to bloom. Walking at the park with my dog is probably the best about spring, as we both enjoy the outdoors.

  • I love the spring time, but it doesn’t love me. My allergies are awful in the spring. I do like the lilacs blooming though.

  • I am getting a new puppy in a few weeks! A Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Grady. I lost my 11 year old husky in January and the house (and my heart!) have been so empty. I am ready for a new baby to love!

  • Baseball has me most excited. Both Major League and Little League. I love watching my Texas Rangers and my 2 grandsons.

  • I just can’t wait to get outside more, my dog feels the same, we have been taking extra walks.

  • I’m excited for Spring because it is warm enough to start going on family bike rides.

  • My girl and I are excited about the warmer (but not too warm yet!) weather so we are able to visit more of our area’s parks and open spaces.

  • Playing in our backyard. Got our first fence recently install, now Max our dog can run free and play fetch :]

  • I’m just looking forward to the warmer, longer days of spring. All the pretty new flowers and trees blooming.

  • We’ll be visiting my Dad and my nephew in May. Haven’t seen my Dad in a year and my nephew is coming from Japan (he’s in the Navy) to visit at the same time we’ll be visiting.

  • I’m most excited about the opportunity to spend more time outdoors this spring. On the horizon is a weekend trip to Memphis!

  • Spring has me excited to work in my garden. The dogs love to help with the digging. Lol.

  • I love seeing all the blooming trees and plants. A tropical vacation is coming up soon.

  • I look forward to some container gardening and we just love to spend time outside.

  • I’m most excited about my cousins wedding this spring. I also can’t wait to plant to plant my garden.

  • We love the nicer weather and ability to train outside 🙂 We are working towards CGC and Intermediate Trick Dog

  • We’re anxiously awaiting rain and when that comes it means flooding. Now that will be exciting! 121 days with no rain and temps in the 90’s. It’s no fun playing outside in the dust and heat. Bring on the rain!

  • These are great prizes to especially the first prize $250 Amazon Gift Card and the second prize the Black+Decker Cordless Lithium-Ion Hand Vacuum .

  • There are so many upcoming pet events in our area. We went to 4 doggy egg hunts last weekend. There is a spring fling this weekend and many more chances to get out and about with my rescue dog, Artie.

  • I”m looking forward to some time outside with my family and feeling the sunshine on my face.

  • Looking forward to spending lots of time outside playing with our daughter and our new puppy. Lots of fun.

  • Oh I am so excited to start planting our container garden, and growing milkweed for the butterflies! We raise monarchs in the summer…so fun to watch them soar! Last year we raised and released 247 monarchs!

  • We have a Maltese and about this time of year he is a bit of a mess coatwise, so gettin him a puppy cut now that it is getting warmer is near and he looks so tiny after the cut you have to giggle.

  • I can’t saying that we have any big plans on the horizon but it will be nice to be able to get out and get some good walks in, we live in New York so winter is pretty harsh. There will be a lot more birds coming to the FEEDERS for the cats to watch, winter time is pretty much just squirrels and Blue Jays.

  • I’m excited about Spring because it’s the chance to finally be able to get out and do more things then I usually can in the harsh New York winter. We’ll get to go for walks, plant vegetables and flowers and so much more.

  • I’m looking forward to getting outdoors more and taking long walks with my dogs. And yes of course going swimming with them too. Not much on the Horizon then spending quality time with my Family and our dogs and our Cats. Love all our Rescue babies.

  • looking forward to going to cedar point opens may 6 it is a local amusement park

  • Warmer weather means even more time outside–our favorite place to be! Hopefully we’ll get a trip to beach before the crowds appear.

  • What has me most excited about Spring time this year is that it will stop raining eventually here in California, lol. No big plans on the horizon that I can think of. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • We have planted some flowers, plan on getting some trees. The big thing is getting my husband Harley road ready.

  • No big plans. Just excited to be able to get out and do stuff with my dogs now that the snow has finally melted.

  • I am most excited about planting a garden this year! We have never done that before! Our big exciting plans are going to the beach in a couple of weeks! Eeek! Excited!

  • We will be spending part of the summer in my old hometown. My flowers are blooming, and I am planning on a small garden.

  • I’m excited about the WARMER weather, and getting into the garden! Still not as warm as I’d like it to be, but I like in the Chicago burbs sooooo expected! Can’t wait to get my babies out for a good hike! I HATE WINTER!!!!

  • This spring I am excited about getting ready to bring another little one into this world!

  • I am so looking forward to walks in the park with my little granddaughter. She has just started talking so it will be fun to hear her explore animal noises and such.

  • The future is a bit unsure. My husband is on the hunt for a new job, and we might have to move and sell our house. If that’s the case, I hope it’s somewhere good!

  • I’m most excited for the bees, which swarm the yard for about a month each spring, to go away! Another two weeks or so, and they should move on. Looking forward to it, and the pool warming up enough to use. The dog already gets in (to the first step) and cools off when the weather is warm. Our hope is to convert part of the pool to a shelf so the dogs can enjoy the pool more!

  • My family is planning on going camping at the end of april…I can’t wait!

  • I’m most excited about Spring because of the flowers blooming and the sun staying out longer. I don’t really have an big plans for Spring. It rains so much during the spring here that it’s hard to make plans because they get rained out.

  • I look forward to a new start at a new job hopefully. Also we have a vacation planned for Mall of America next month

  • I love walking the trails with the dogs in the spring. You get to see new life all around and the scent of the new growth!

  • nice weather its cold here . walks with the toddler and the dog is what i’m excited about .

  • one o the local pet stores is doing their big spring event this wkend. they do it every yr to help rescues and shelters. most or all of the money gets divided up to several rescue groups and shelters. i also went to the spring AKC dog show in march, and have the spring horse show coming up memorial wkend.

  • We love spending time outside and riding bikes. We are looking forward to my son’s birthday next week.

  • I look forward to the warmer weather and the great outdoor cookouts. Thank you

  • I am looking forward to my lilacs blooming and being able to go out gold panning. Which will be a new experience for me.

  • Man i’ve been waiting on Spring to come!! when its nice and warm and pretty can go outside play with my kids. go FISHING! i’m just excitied the temperature is above 50 lol actually looking forward to mowing my yard. Ive got some family trips and fishing trips were looking forward to!

  • The walks at the park have been great and probably do amusement parks this summer would be cool.

  • I bought a home that is 157 years old, use to be a small hospital but needs LOTS of work. It will be perfect for my 5 kids and myself so we will be working on it. We are all excited.

  • The trees in Michigan are starting to bud now. the grass is starting to turn green and taking a nature walk is very calming and beautiful.

  • I’m most excited for the SUN!!!! I’m thinking about raising another guide dog puppy for GDB, but we just put my sister’s dog down and I don’t want to introduce a lot of change all at once for our other dogs, so I’m waiting a bit.

  • My dog lights just being with me. It doesn’t matter if were taking a nap or if I’m in the bathroom. She loves going on walks with me and sitting with me in my lounge chair watching TV

  • I am looking forward to the rebirth of nature and baby animals!! I plan on spending a lot of time in nature with my dog!!

  • Spring is the best time of the whole year. I love the flowers and green fields and longer days.

  • I’m looking forward to my grandson’s Little League ball games and being outside feeling the fresh air and seeing all the beautiful flowers.

  • Going to fun runs with my dogs and the first bark in the park of the year with the Seattle Mariners!

  • We have a baby shower to go to that I am looking forward to and also we will plan our summer vacation soon.

  • I’m most excited to be planting tomatoes and cucumbers! Seeing everything come to life is amazing!

  • Our family is looking forward to camping with the pups this year! So much to do and see!

  • I’m on my way to Pennsylvania. I’m in a long distance relationship.. and it’s killing us.

  • We have 4 dogs. That gift card sure would come in handy for some much needed items for them. Thank you for this awesome giveaway

  • We just moved into our very own house. It has a big yard for our dog with 19 full grown trees in the backyard alone. She is a very happy dog with a lot of room to run. Now we just got to get the leaves and weeds under control.

  • Im exciting about starting a garden with my two kids this summer and hopefully getting our first dog from the local pound

  • JUST to get outside this was a very crummy winter the green is going to be fabulous and get to walking

  • No big plans – I’m looking forward to bbqs and going to the beach with my dog.

  • I’m most excited about things growing and blooming, and then some of my upcoming travel plans.

  • We just this week finished building our new back deck and I am looking forward to relaxing out there.

  • Looking forward to spending more time outdoors and camping trips on the weekends.

  • my birthday is coming up, so I’m very excited about that, and we have a beach trip soon too! it’s going to be a great spring!

  • What has you most excited about Spring time this year? Any big plans on the horizon?

    I get all excited when it is warm enough to go outside and garden and be outside again! Odin even helps garden. He loves to dog and will stop on command. I have him digging holes and he got really pretty good at weeding last year ha!
    No big plans, just enjoying the sunshine and the newness of spring.

  • Seeing all the flowers has me excited, I love spring. No special plans though. Have a great day.

  • Im most excited about the warmer weather this spring and Im looking forward to my nephews upcoming wedding.

  • I am so excited about spring, I’m redoing my flowerbeds and we are putting up a new pool. I love going to my local nursery and getting new beautiful plants and flowers!

  • I love spring, its the beginning of Concert season and I love concerts! This year I am also excited to start getting my yard in shape and get some flowers and rose bushes out. We just moved into our new home last fall so this will be our first spring here.

  • I am really excited about being able to open my windows again and letting the fresh air in and listening to all the birds singing their beautiful songs. We plan on planting a really big garden this year.

  • Looking forward to being outside buying a bike and going on bike trail with family.

  • I like the spring because my pup loves spring weather so we can play frisbee. I like the weather and all the flowers blooming. I like seeing the bunnies out in the morning and the squirrels and birds too.

  • the winter was especially cold so going outside without a coat was refreshening

  • Spring in Florida is Summer! We have Hot and Hotter- no in between. So, Lots of water if we go out- for my pup as well!

  • I’m looking forward to camping with Pepper (my standard black poodle). This prize would be perfect.

  • I am getting excited about planting in the garden. And looking forward to weekend getaways,

  • I’m from Michigan so when spring truly arrives and the flowers break forth from the earth, it’s an exciting time. I always look forward to that most of all. The other thing I’m looking forward to is beginning my vegetable garden again – I love being outdoors early in the morning and late in the evening, tending my plants and harvesting the bounty. I never cease to marvel at the miracle of new plants.

  • I have no big plans. Just happy spring is here and I can go outside and feel the sun on my face.

  • After a long winter being stuck mainly inside, My Pennie (chihuahua) and I look forward to getting outside to watch the birds, take walks and enjoy the sunshine on the deck.

  • most excited to garden and make the yard look nice. I haven’t been in the mood to garden for years, so our yard has looked terrible.

  • Planning to go to the Bronx Zoo, which is a really nice place to visit. Haven’t been there in many years and the animals are in large natural settings, not all caged up.


  • Im most excited about Spring time as it gives me more walking time with the dog. Plans are beach time with the grand kids

  • I’m most excited about the huge things we’re doing on our house this Spring/ Summer. We’re ripping our main floor to the studs and taking a wall down in our tiny kitchen. We’re also putting up a new fence in the front and back yards. Lots of hard work but it will be soooo worth it!

  • I’m most excited about our family barbecue. So much of my family is coming from all over the state. We’re going to play games, eat, and do karaoke so it should be a good time.

  • This warmer weather has been amazing! We are looking forward to our first family camping trip this year. We are happy to take a trip that the dog can come along for!

  • We’re excited about planting the garden and our trips with the dog to the river and taking hikes in the mountains!

  • I always look forward to the warmer temperatures, grass and leaves turning green and flowers blooming in the spring.

  • Looking forward to eating all the ice cream I can handle. I need something to keep me cool.

  • I am very excited about spring to work on my veggie garden and plant flower bulbs

  • well a lot of things one is my veggie n flower gardens then also im startin a new exercise regimen of walking and takin my dogs in a stroller with snaps a big double one i have five shitzu it will be loads of fun they are good company for me

  • I am really looking forward to getting into running. I love taking my rescue doggy for a run!

  • I love everything about spring, it makes me feel like Im reenergized. The birds singing, breeze swaying, love blooming everywhere…ahhh its lovely.

  • Spring is always the busiest time at work for me. But I’m looking forward to the warmer weather

  • I am excited to spend time at the lake this spring with my family! We love swimming and fishing!

  • I don’t get excited about spring because I know it only brings summer -I don’t like summer. I get excited for fall because it brings winter -I love winter!

  • I’m excited about sunshine and warm weather for the spring. My oldest daughter will be graduating from high school on May 18th. That’s the only big thing I have coming up right now.

  • I’m looking forward to planting my veggie garden. It’s going to be bigger this year, about 2x bigger than last year.

  • I am so glad the weather is getting warmer. We love going to the beach or the river. I also love gardening

  • Just being able to go out doors with the kids and pups. Spring is my favorite time of year.

  • Im ready to take the dogs out to the park and go for walks and plant flowers and just enjoy the weather!!

  • We’re looking forward to some Sun and warm weather so we can start spending time outdoors

  • We love spring. We love cleaning up the yard after the long winter. We love getting the dogs out running around and playing ball.

  • I’m excited about the warmer weather and starting my garden! I love fresh veggies and herbs!

  • Im excited for sunshine, birds singing, flowers blooming and getting outside in the fresh air!

  • We just finished building a patio, and installing a new landscape in our backyard…DIY…now it’s ready for use this summer !

  • So excited for warmer weather, being able to get the dogs out without putting on everyone’s coats.

  • We are taking a trip to California as a last vacation before our baby comes! Yay spring. i can’t wait to see the waterfalls at Yosemite.

  • No big plans this spring, but I love the warmer weather in the spring. I am pretty sick of the snow!

  • I am so excited to be able and get out and walk again. We also try to go to Branson, MO a couple of times before too hot temps.

  • I am very excited to start training for a marathon this spring with my dog. I like to bring him on my runs with me!


  • I’m excited to see the flowers blooming and the birds singing. I plan to clear some brush from the back of my yard.

  • I love spring in south Texas, it’s not too hot or cold. No big plans on the horizon, just taking it day by day.

  • I plan on taking the dogs to the beach and also going to succulent shows and sales since I am addicted to buying succulents

  • We’re excited for more trips to the dog park! It’s been a long, rainy winter out here.

  • I am excited about getting to spend more time outside. We don’t have any big plans yet but hopefully soon!

  • I’m excited that my youngest child is comfortable enough on her big girl bike that we can take rides as a family. Even did some trails recently!

  • It’s been a long Winter so I’m enjoying the disappearance of the ice and snow. I have plans to attempt to grow a small container garden.

  • I’m looking forward to all the pretty smells and colors as well as walking my dog for long walks.

  • i have tomatoes growing, my friend and I many be able to take a vacation out of this years hot summer weather.

  • I think me and the kids are equally excited. Its vacation time and So Cal is calling our name.

  • I’m most excited about being in my garden and getting things fone around the house.

  • I can’t wait for the weather to be warmer, to be able to kick back outside with a good book. I look forward to water balloon fights and park adventures with my kids.

  • The thing I am most excited about is seeing a LACK of kittens in our community. I am looking forward to all our work with the rescue and spreading the word of spay neuter to be realized.

  • Looking forward to Summer vacation in about 4 weeks. Looking forward to some ME time!

  • Not really. Just gardening. My work schedule is the same as my kids school, I am off in the summer but work for the fall and spring semester. Just saving up for a family vacation.

  • I’m excited to be able to sit outside with my dog and enjoy the weather. Go for long walks with her and take her to doggie parks. We are also driving down to SC for our first Blog Paws conference!

  • I’m excited about getting out and working in my flowers and my vegetable garden.

  • I am so excited about Spring this year! I have a completely new edible garden set up and I am really enjoying spending so much time in the gardens this year, producing my family’s food! 🙂

  • taking my son camping….planting our flower garden. Can’t wait for all the flowers to bloom

  • I may be mad as i have just taught my mum’s jackhuahua to lie down when i say “Hit the deck!”

  • I got my fishing license for the first time in years. I’m looking forward to some quiet time at the lake.

  • Looking forward to the spring agility and herding trials, also looking forward to having warmer days so I can work in the garden.

  • Spring is awesome, my favorite season! Everything comes back to life! (Although I don’t like cleaning all the dog poo from winter, lol)

  • I am looking forward to being able to plant my gardens. We are driving from MS to ME to see my dad and family.

  • I walk to and from my job every day – it’s so nice to see the lawns greening up and the new flowers along the way

  • We actually don’t have any plans this Spring. I just started online classes this past Fall and classes are basically year round.

  • I am most excited, about warmer weather and gardening! We have vacation coming up soon, I can’t wait.

  • getting out and enjoying the warmer weather – maybe even taking a trip this year

  • I’m excited for all the birthdays coming up because our family likes to get together for birthdays for parties and cookouts.

  • I do not have any major plans this Spring. My goal is to declutter and organize the house.

  • I love fishing and hiking. We plan to take our bulldogs on a hike soon. Spring weather is still cool enough to be comfortable for them.

  • Love that the weather is getting warmer. I love being able to do things outside with my son like hiking and mini golf.

  • Excited for Spring because we are going on a road trip this year! Three weeks headed Southwest. Can’t wait

  • no more threat of snow! the warmer weather and gardening! taking a road trip to visit my family in NJ !

  • If I won the Amazon gift card I would buy a vacuum because mine stopped working about a month ago and I’m using a very old hand-me-down. The vacuum prize is wonderful and would get a lot of use, but I need a full size vacuum for the house. I would also get my kitties a new cat tree as the one they have is pretty beat they’re due for a new one.

  • I live in Texas and have a smaller dog, so spring is when I can once again safely take her for walks. I live out in the country, so she loves a jaunt down our dirt road, stopping to smell everything along the way. As the days become warmer, her favorite adventure is to go to the state park and walk along the paths – she especially loves a bit of time in the campground.