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Massive Prizes in the Spring Fling Pet Blogger Giveaway

Spring Fling Pet Blogger Giveaway Banner
The sun is shining and the temperatures are finally climbing! So to celebrate, we are teaming up with some of our fellow pet bloggers to bring you a really incredible giveaway…

Wondering What’s up for Grabs?

Charlie can't believe the prizes in the 2016 Spring Pet Blogger Giveaway!

Wow! Talk about some great prizes!

To enter the giveaway, simply follow the steps in the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this page.

The Best Part?

You can increase your chances of winning by entering on each and every blog below! The more you enter the greater your chances of winning!

Make sure to get all your entries in by Tuesday, May 3rd, at 11:59pm EST.

One “finalist” will be randomly selected from each of the 10 participating blogs. All of the finalists’ names will go into a drawing, and 3 winners will be randomly selected to receive the prizes listed above. The winners will be announced on the MyDogLikes Facebook Page Wednesday, May 4th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms & Conditions: 

No purchase necessary. Giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents age 18 and older, except where prohibited by law. Giveaway will run from April 27 through May 3, 2016 at 11:59pm EST. Three (3) winners will be randomly selected and notified via email. Winners will have 48 hours to claim their prizes; failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the prize. Twitter and Pinterest do not sponsor, administer, or endorse this promotion. Participants must read and agree to Rafflecopter’s Privacy Policy before entering and participating in this promotion.

Each participating blogger paid an entry fee which will be used to fund the grand prize. The items in the 2nd and 3rd place prize packages were generously donated by the participating brands. Please be sure to visit their websites to see all the amazing pet products they have to offer.

About the author

Rachael Sando

Rachael is a School Psychologist with degrees from the University of Rochester and RIT. Though a lifelong dog lover, this passion has taken on a new direction through the utilization of therapy animals in her day job. Charlie, our Golden Retriever, works with Rachael as a school therapy dog in a local primary school where he brings comfort and support to students and staff on a daily basis.


  • I have 4 dogs & 3 cats. I sure could use some help with any of those prizes. This giveaway is much appreciated. Thank you for the opportunity

  • I would probably apply the card to a new laptop ….and I’d love to own the ball launcher.

  • I would use the Amazon card to buy gifts!!
    We would love the ball launcher and one of the sleepypod carriers!

  • I’d use the Amazon gift code to get some food and treats for my furbabies, and perhaps buy something for myself from my wish list (DVDs, books, etc.). As for the PetSafe item – I’m torn between getting a Pagoda fountain for one of my daughter’s cats or the self-cleaning litter box for my own. And, I’m dying to get a Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed for my own cats (I would love to keep them comfortable and safe going to the vet, etc.).

  • I would probably use the giftcard to get my family groceries. My husband is out of a job right now so that giftcard would be such a huge blessing!!! As for the other prizes there is really so much to choose from! I’m like the other posters before me and know my dog would love the ball launcher! It would probably keep her busy for a long time lol. And the sleepypod carriers are so nice. I would probably get one for my little chihuahua. She’s so much lazier then my boarder collie lol. <3

  • I would use the Amazon $$ to buy parts to upgrade my computer. My choice is the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the Sleepypod harness.

  • The amazon gift card would definitely be to buy her treats, toys, spring clothes, a new bed, etc. I would choose the ball launcher and the harness.

  • I would love to win any of them but especially the Amazon Gift Card. I volunteer with a rescue, Recycled Pets Inc., here where I live in Rock Hill, SC and would use it to make purchases for them and also for my facebook and other friends that I try to help as much as I can. I would choose the SleepyPod Carrier and Scoopfree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box.

  • I’d use the gift card towards new clothes for my daughter and I. And I would absolutely LOVE the cat litter box!

  • The ball launcher would be GREATLY used at our house! Thanks for the opportunity!

  • Meera and Laila love any and all launchers, so they pick that! The amazon card would be used on baby stuff, with some dog stuff thrown in for good measure of course!

  • Great Giveaway! The gift card I would use for dog treats, dog toys, and maybe new harnesses for the pups. The ball launcher would be great for Cody since he actually brings the ball back and a Sleeppod harness has been on my list for a while.

  • If we win the amazon gift card, we’ll purchase items from our local animal rescue’s amazon wish list for us to donate for pups to enjoy while they wait for their forever homes!

  • if we won the gift card we would get treats and food and donate them to the local animal shelter!

  • I would use the amazon card to buy dog food ( love free two day shipping on prime!). I would get the ball launcher or the carrier if I won the other prizes! Thanks so much for an awesome giveaway!

  • I’m not sure what the gift card would be used for, but I would choose a safety harness and a ball launcher if I won.

  • I would love the gift card to buy my my pit bull Shasta new toys to play with or the ball launcher would be an awesome toy to use now that Spring/Summertime is here.

  • The ball Launcher would be great for us. The giftcard would be used to buy a pet bed

  • I would choose the Automatic Ball Launcher and the harness! And as for the Amazon gift card, I’m not sure exactly what I’d buy, but I’d try to find good deals so I could stretch it out! ore food enrichment toys, new pretty leashes and harnesses, pretty collars, new dog beds… the choices are endless!

  • What an incredible giveaway! With three cats, one of whom recently had to have her front leg amputated, litter boxes are a challenge in my house. This includes the dog helping himself to cat “cookies” when he can. Equally important is safety in the car and with a couple of road trips coming up this summer, my dog would be safe with the only car harness to pass the security tests, plus other great prizes 🙂 Good luck to everyone!

  • I would use the Amazon card to help decorate/landscape our yard so it was more park-like for Dexter. I would pick the PetSafe self cleaning litter box for Marceline 🙂

  • I’d use the gift card for a hammock both me and my dog can fit in, I’d get the auto ball launcher and a new harness!

  • This looks fantastic! My girlfriend’s dog of 15 years just passed away and this will help us start to recover and look towards the future since we are planning on adopting a new friend soon.

  • I would get a kindle fire from amazon. I would get the Automatic Ball Launcher and the Sleepypod Air

  • I would apply the card to my “Build a new computer fund”. That would go a long way to purchasing parts!

  • I would stock up on cat and dog food and treats! The Sleepypod Medium would work best for me. The Automatic Ball Launcher would be awesome!

  • I would use the gift card for a new pet carrier. I just got a bunch of feral kittens to socialize in. ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box sounds up my alley I spend tons of time scooping!

  • I would use the Amazon gift card for the ball launcher, treats and toys. Would love a new Sleepypod carrier.

  • I will use the Amazon Gift Card for ebooks for hubby. I will choose the Little Dog In-Ground Fence and the Clickit Utility Harness

  • I would use the Amazon gift card to get kitchen tools and supplies. I would choose the SleepyPod Atom carrier.

  • well for 300$ on amazon i could get soooo many things! each doggy could get a new bed for their crates.. id pick the ball launcher from petsafe.. and from sleepypod i would choose the sleepypod mobile pet bed

  • I’d use it to buy a bunch of Blurays and other electronics I’ve been wanting. For the product, I’d like the self-cleaning litter box

  • I have a dog and a cat. I would love a self-cleaning litter box. I hate cleaning the litter.

  • The gift card would go towards school books and I like the Automatic Ball Launcher

  • I would get the PetSafe Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain for my dogs. I would also love to get them new beds and chew toys.

  • I would use the Amazon gift card for a Kindle and books. My favorite Petsafe product is the Drinkwell® Original Fountain and the large CloudPuff blanet from Sleepypod.

  • I would use the gift card for something outside. I would pick the ball launcher for my dog. I’m not sure about the last one now.

  • The Amazon card would probably go to Christmas gifts. I think Petsafe I would want the Drinkwell Original Fountain and from Sleepypod the harness would be great!

  • I would choose the self cleaning litter box & I would buy a smart phone with the gift card

  • I would choose the amazon GC to get my dog a new bed! From PetSafe I would get the ball launcher and from Sleepypod I would get a Clickit Sport harness

  • I do not know what I would spend the 300 on. I think I would just save it and wait until I need something. I like the ball launcher and the sleepypod carrier.

  • Too many products I could get with the gift card to list! I’d choose the ball launcher, and probably the click it sport harness.

  • I would use the gift card to buy my dog a new dog bed. I would prefer the ball launcher and the harness.

  • Giftcard would be used for life necessities and the harness, Ty to all Bloggers great giveaway op 🙂

  • I’d like the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box, the Sleepypod Carrier and I’d use the gift card towards a new dog bed and a cat tower.

  • I would use the Amazon card to stock up on flea treatments, and would choose the litter box and carrier.

  • I would use the Amazon card to buy my daughter a new tablet and I would love the PetSafe ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and I would love the Sleepypod Harness!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  • With the Amazon card I would buy new pet beds. I would pick the cat litter box if I won.

  • A ball launcher as my arms are just not what they use to be. And I would use the Amazon card for some other toys for my furry friends

  • I would probably spend it all on my alien pug….he has me trained so well! When he does something treat worthy, he looks at me like “My human is smart, so easy to train”, as I give him a treat. 🙂 Thank you.

  • I would get all new toys and some beds for my 3 Boston’s. I like the automatic ball launcher and the Sleepypod carrier.

  • I would choose the ball launcher & the carrier. I would also buy a new dog bed with the Amazon gift card

  • The litter box and the carrier. I would use the $ from amazon to get my little Stinky cat, tons of cases of Wellness and Natural Balance food and treats.

  • I would probably use the amazon card for a sleepy pod bed. My dog would love the ball launcher. thanks for the chance.

  • I would choose the automatic ball launcher, the harness, and I’m not sure what I’d use the Amazon card for.

  • I would use my Amazon card to purchase the automatic ball launcher, because I think my dog would love it.

  • I would use the Amazon gift card to buy a couple of month’s worth supplements for my pup. I’d choose the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher and the Sleepypod Harness.

  • With the Amazon giftcard I would be able to spoil my dog with many toys and goodies. From PetSafe I would choose the Automatic Ball Launcher and from Sleeypod I would choose the Harness.

  • I would stock up on dog food and get a bigger dog kennel. And I would Choose the Automatic Ball Launcher and the Carrier!

  • I’d probably put the giftcard toward a great new dogbed, nice and comfy. I would pick the Ball Launcher and Carrier

  • I would use the gift card to replenish my 9 years old golden retriever glucosamine, fish oil and ear cleanser supply ! From Pet Safe I would choose the Automatic ball launcher and from Sleepypod I would choose the Harness!

  • I would choose the ball launcher and the harness for our Bella. I would use the gift card on toys and food for Bella and then the rest on her human sisters. Thank you!

  • Thanks for the opportunity to win. I am a big animal lover and have cats and a dog. They are rescues, of course.

  • Schooner and Skipper would get new beds. The ball thrower would be awesome and the harness. Awesome giveaway!

  • I would use the Amazon card for birthday gifts for my family (including the fur-kids). I would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box (yay!) and the carrier. Thanks for the chance!

  • I would use the Amazon gift card for dog food. I would choose the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher and Sleepypod Harness.

  • Well I make my cat’s food so I could use the card to buy some of the supplements that need to be added to his food.
    And I would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box – how nice never to have to scoop out a litter box again! 🙂

  • I would use the gift card for gifts & for some groceries from Amazon prime pantry. It would help me out a lot considering my boyfriend has a job and I do not. It gets tough but we get by. I would also choose the self cleaning litter box for my kitty & then the harness for my pup. Thanks so much!

  • I would get a dog ramp for the truck my dog has bad hips and I pick the click sport harness.

  • I would use the gift card for new dog beds and would love a ball launcher to help keep my older dog active

  • I have 2 inside cats, I like the Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box , I would spend the gift card on Christmas presents for my family. Thank you for a great giveaway

  • I’d use the gift card to get my mom something nice for Mothers Day. I could use a self cleaning litter box and a new carrier.

  • With the Amazon card I would buy college textbooks and from PetSafe the automatic ball launcher and from sleepypod the mobile pet bed.

  • I would use the giftcard to purchase a fitbit. I would like the automatic ball launcher.

  • We are pet lovers! We have 2 dogs and 1 cat and would love to win the Sleepypod Harness if we were lucky enough to win. Also, the Amazon giftcard would be wonderful to buy some books I have on my wishlist and a new dog bed.

  • I just love the ball launcher and if I won the gift card, I would buy gifts for my dogs and cats.

  • My sister just got a new puppy and I would love to get her some gifts – the ball launcher or the carrier for sure!

  • I would love the carrier and litter box for my 2 cats! I volunteer at an animal shelter and could get the cats there some treats with the gift card.

  • HI is this how I enter the sweeps? I would love to win. good luck to me and everyone else

  • I would spend the gift card on books or whatever necessities I need from Amazon. I’m not sure which product I would choose. I would give it to my cousin so would have to ask her (or her dogs).

  • I would spend the gift card on some rugs so I don’t have to constantly clean up after boys. My selections would be the ball thrower for Bunny (the dog) and Harness for Shasta (also dog). 🙂


  • I would buy dog food, toys, and treats on Amazon. I would pick the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher and the Sleepypod Harness.

  • I would use the gift card to get new bedding. I would get the automatic ball launcher. My puppygirl would love it!

  • Omgosh the automatic ball thingey is so cool! I saw some youtube vid’s of it! I want to win the GC so I can buy this for Buddy <3

  • i would get some books and other items with the gift card i would pick the ball launcher

  • I would so love the automatic ball launcher for my two goldens. They love catching balls. This would make all 3 of us so happy.

  • I would use the gift card to buy a new safety system for the car for my favorite K-9. I would chose the harness.

  • On amazon, I have a wishlist a mile long but at the top is a new pair of running shoes. I have had my eye on the automatic ball thrower since I saw it on tv months ago and for the Sleepypod I would get the clickit Sport harness (got a big dog)

  • I would choose the litter box 🙂 If i was lucky enough to win the grand prize, I would get my cats a new cat tree! Thanks for the chance.

  • I would use the Amazon Card to get a couple new shirts for my dogs. I would pick the litter box and the carrier. We have 2 dogs & 2 cats so winning something from this would be great!

  • I would use the gift card to buy pet food. I would choose the self cleaning litter box.

  • I would choose the automatic ball launcher and I would spend $300 on items to spoil my dog like a new bed some treats and some new toys

  • I would use the gift card to stock up on Dr. Harvey’s products for my pup, I’d get the litter pan for my kitties, and I’d get the harness for the pup.

  • I would use the Amazon Giftcard to get a new laptop. I would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and Sleepypod Carrier.

  • I’d use the Amazon card to buy my granddaughter something for her birthday. I would choose the ball launcher and the harness.

  • I have two cockapoos and 2 cats. I would use it for food and pet supplies. The auto litter box would be awesome and the dogs could use a new harness each

  • The amazon gc for new movies. I would pick the automatic ball launcher to save my arm

  • I’d use the Amazon card to buy pots and pans mine are TERRIBLE! I would choose the ball launcher and the harness.

  • I’d use the gift card for dog food. I’d choose the automatic ball launcher and the harness.

  • The Amazon GC would be great for dog food. and I would use the gift card to buy pet food

  • I would absolutely give you my left arm for the Scoop Free Ultra Self Cleaning litterbox! Then I would definitely choose the Sleepypod Carrier, with 3 cats we go to the vet quite often.

  • I have 13 elderly rescue cats at the moment. I would use every dime of that buying supplies. Most of them have no teeth, so they need canned cat food, which is expensive. They also have medical problems like the elderly. I even have one that has high blood pressure, and takes medicine for that.

  • I would use it to repair my fence so my dogs can have their yard back. Also would love that self cleaning litter box.

  • If i won,i would use it to buy my dog and cats some needed things and i would probably buy a few things to donate to our local animal shelter that in need.

  • I would use the Amazon Gift card to buy books for my Mom and some USB Flash Drives for myself. I would choose the ball launcher and the carrier. 🙂

  • Hi, I always enjoy reading your blog and Bella loves the things I have gotten on your recommendation. Thanks for the contest. 🙂

  • If I won the $300 I would get my cat a much needed cat litter tray replacement, our current is too small and not high enough and that means shes always making a big mess. hahaha I would also use it to get her favorite cat food & my self some new sneakers. If I had to pick a petsafe product, i would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the Sleepypod Air – Orange Dream for a sleepypod product. Thank you so much for the chance!

  • I would use the the gift card to buy a new pet bed for the dog and a nice cat house for the cats. I would choose the scoop free litter box or the harness.

  • I would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box. I have two cats and they seem to use the litter box all the time.I clean it out at least twice a day and this would really come in handy.

  • I would use the Amazon gift card on pet supplies for my two pups. The PetSafe ball launcher would be a lot of fun and the sleepy pod would be great for my chihuahuas:)

  • I’d save the amazon gift card for when I move. I’d choose the PetSafe ball launcher since will finally have a yard, and the sleepypod harness.

  • Oh I would love the Automatic Ball Launcher and the Clickit Utility! I would use the Amazon giftcard to purchase the Automatic Ball Launcher(our labs love tennis balls and I think I throw around 100 balls a day…I would love this)! I would also get a good pet bed for our senior lab/mix we adopted.

  • I would use the gift card to buy clothes.. And I would love to have the cat litter box.

  • I would use the $300 Amazon GC for treats and toys for the cats. I would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the Sleepypod Carrier.

  • Wow, I don’t even know what I’d do with $300 of fun money but I would def get my pal Jake the Golden Retriever a bada$$ leather collar & some treats & toys! I would choose a SleepyPod Carrier in chocolate brown for my kitty friends BiteyBoy & Mr FancyTail & I’d choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box as a surprise for my hubby the chief scooper!

  • If I won the Amazon, I would love to pick up heated beds for the cat & dogs. I do also like the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the Sleepypod Carrier

  • I would probably sell the gift card to my parents who order from Amazon regularly, and put the money towards my dog savings. Same old answer as always, I know. 😛

  • i would get some supplements, a bookcase, and food! i would choose the harness for my doggie!

  • I would use the Amazon for health products for my aging girl. I think I may go for a pet fountain or a new bed for her.

  • Would love to get several things off my Amazon wish list! The self cleaning litter box sounds amazing!

  • I would use the gift card for a few doggie cots & treats. I like the sleep pod that is in the picture. I have yorkies and they would love that one.

  • I would love the ball launcher and the carrier. I would use the money towards food and treats for my pups, maybe the vet and a shelter.

  • I would buy my dog some treats with some of the money. “My Dog Likes” her snacks 🙂

  • I would use it to buy treats, balls, toys, pet food, and grooming supplies! I would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box & Sleepypod Harness

  • I would consider getting a water filter for home. Both my family and the pets (dog and fishes) would probably appreciate it.

  • I would choose the harness if they had one extra large enough for my Rocky (he is 130lbs). I would choose the litter box (my Cream goes outside and would not use this) I would give the litter box to my mom for her cat who could use a second litter box for downstairs. I would use the Amazon gift card to purchase gifts for my two boys for Christmas.

  • I would use the Amazon GC towards a phone for my husband! I would love the self cleaning litter box!!

  • I would use the Amazon on food and books. I would pick the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher and Sleepypod air Carrier to 16 lbs.

  • I would use the gift card to get my cats a cat tree which I have been wanting to get for a long time but they aren’t reasonable. For the 2nd prize I would pick the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box 3rd prize I would pick the sleepypod carrier

  • I’d definitely start my shopping off by filling my cart with a new bed for my pup. Then I’d stock up on healthy food for her and my cat to last a few months, and use the rest for art supplies!

  • The gift card I would spend on a new cat tree & I would definitely choose the self cleaning litter box!

  • I would use my Amazon gift card for toys for my pets and i would choose the Automatic Ball Launcher

  • I will use the Amazon Card for my PS4 games and the products from this site is the automatic ball launcher. 🙂

  • I would love to win & get some goodies for my dogs 🙂 I would choose the ball launcher or harness.

  • I would use my amazon gift card for pet clothes,treats and toys..I would choose the Automatci Ball Launcher

  • If I was ever lucky enough to win the 1st place prize, I would buy a couple of awesome new cat trees. I would also be so very happy to win either the Scoopfree cat box or the Sleepypod kitty cat carrier!!

  • I would use the giftcard for dog food, dog toys and other treats for my 2 dogs. I would use the Clickit Utility harness to keep my dogs safe in the car. The travel pods are awesome! Definitely going to recommend that to my mom for her cat.

  • Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I would choose the Sleepypod kitty cat bed carrier!! My kitties would love it!!

  • I would use the GC for a dog bed for my little fur baby, and I would choose the ball launcher!

  • On the last two, I would choose the auto ball launcher and the harness. If I won the Amazon gc, my furbaby would love to have more Spot Farm treats! She loves them (they’re her fave!)!

  • I would probably save the gift card to buy christmas presents with. But I would be all over the self cleaning cat box. That is my least favorite chore!

  • I would use my Amazon card to get either the sleepypod carrier or the self-cleaning cat litter box. Those would make my life easier for sure.

  • I would shower the pets with treats and toys. Also, I really like the sleepy pod! It looks really cute!

  • My dog chews up toys like mad, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire $300 went into replacement chew toys. Although, a harness and ball launcher would be terribly convenient!

  • I would buy a total of three new pet beds on Amazon, one for my new rescue dog Milo, who currently keeps trying to take over the cat bed. From Sleepypod I would adore a SleepyPod Air Carrier (if they are offering that) in the Chery Red Color.

  • i would use the amazon gift card to buy a dog stroller for my oldest gal. i would love the sleepypod air carrier, love these, in red, i wold also like the petsafe ball thrower, my 3 gals would get a kick out of this especially the youngest, the oldest would have loved this when she was able to hear and see and walk, because she loved balls.

  • I would buy my cats one of those giant cat trees. I’ve been eyeing them for awhile.

  • My it is hard to choose but I would love to have one of the Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed for my 2 baby’s and I would stock up on doggy bones for them as they go thru a lot

  • I would use the gift card to buy new indoor/ outdoor beds for both of my rescues. The pet safe product would be the ball launcher and the sleepy pods item would be the harness.

  • Automatic Ball Launcher or Sleepypod Harness, if I won the GC I’d buy my dog Blackie his diet dog food, treats and toys for him and his friends.

  • I order on Amazon all the time and watch movies so it would be great to have the credit there when I need it and my Prime membership renews soon so this would help pay for that. I would pick the ball thrower and the harness if I won 2nd or 3rd.

  • I would use the Amazon card on a gift for my niece’s bday. I would choose the litter box and the harness!!

  • I would use the giftcard for a nice dog bed then use the rest for new kitchen and bathroom towels. I would choose the self cleaning litter box for kitty and the harness for buddy.

  • If I won the grand prize I would definitely use some of it towards dog and cat food with prime. I=The ball launcher looks like it would be a lot of fun but I would choose the litter box for my cat and definitely I would choose the Sleepypod. I really want a Sleepypod.

  • Would use amazon to buy a really nice garmin gps for our car. I want the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and Sleepypod carrier

  • I would use the Amazon gift card to purchase pet food and toys. I would choose the Automatic Ball Launcher and the Carrier.

  • I would use it to buy feather wand refills…we go through so many! I’d pick the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box

  • We’d use the gift card for some joint supplements, new puzzles, food, and maybe a couple of collars and pup outfits. We’d pick the ball launcher and if we’re allowed to pick any of the SleepyPod products, we’d like the comfy blanket to pad our beds and crates 🙂

  • I would use the gift card to get needed household items, and would choose the ScoopFree Ultra self-cleaning litter box. Thank You.

  • Great giveaway!! I have 2 chihuahuas that I buy for on Amazon and when I open my packages they always know that there is something in it for them.

  • I would love the Sleepypod Atom 🙂 For the GC I would buy the dogs new orthopedic beds.

  • I’d use the gift card for groceries. I might get the Petsafe Pogo Splash® Donut and the Sleepypod Yummy Bowl Set YB-SEA-S Sea Breeze- Small.

  • I have a Jack Russell named Chunk that loves the water especially the ocean when my daughter is out surfing. I would get her a life jacket to help keep her safe

  • I would buy my dogs sooo many bones! and also some new stuffed toys that squeak 🙂

  • I’m sure that between my cat, 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, and aquarium- I would find endless things to choose from in Amazon. The top of my list is undoubtedly a good undercoat rake- since one of my dogs’ shedding season is giving me allergies!
    The PetSafe product of my choice would definitely be either a “Train and Praise Potty System” or the Passport Pet door to control when they can all enter and leave.
    The Sleepy Pod in Arctic White is meanwhile a great product out of the company’s line!

  • The amazon gift card would go towards workout gear I’m sure. And I would pick the ball launcher, or a harness. Love it.

  • I’d put the gift card toward a new camera.
    I’d choose the Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed.

  • The ball launcher would be great for us. The giftcard would be used to buy a pet bed.

  • I am loving the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher and SleepyPod Harness for my dog if I won. From Amazon I think a new blanket that we could cuddle under together would be nice.

  • I would use some to spoil Belle and some to get myself summer clothes
    I would pick the ball launcher or harness

  • I would use the gift card for some spring products, and I’d pick the Automatic Ball Launcher and Sleepypod Harness

  • Ball Launcher for definite, would love to win a sleepy pod carrier for Layla and the Amazon card would use to buy first of all a new vacuum cleaner 🙂 Awesome Give Away thanks

  • I would use the amazon gift card to stock up on pet food. I’d choose the automatic ball launcher!

  • My friend recently got a SleepyPod and it’s so nice! I would definitely get one too and get some treats.

  • I would use the Amazon gift card to buy some things I need for my house. I would choose the litter box for my cats and the harness for my dog.

  • I would use it to buy a new tablet for my daughter. Also, I would love a Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed.

  • I would use the gift card to stock up on all of the supplements I take. I would love the self cleaning cat box for my 6 cats!

  • I’d buy treats for my doggy on Amazon.
    Would love to buy a dog water fountain from PetSafe & SleepyPod mobile pet bed.

  • I’m not sure what I would buy with the Amazon gift card. For the Petsafe I’d get the Automatic Ball Launcher, and for the SleepyPod the Mobile Pet Bed.

  • I would use the Amazon gift card to buy my cat a new bed and carrier and I would choose the PetSafe ScoopFree® Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box.

  • id buy some treats on amazon for my dog a bed to i like the sleepypod mobile pet bed

  • I would use the gift card on Christmas Gifts. I like the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the SleepyPod Mobile Pet Bed.

  • I would use the gift card to get items that have been on my wish list for awhile, especially a spot bot! As far as what I would choose of the other items, I would choose the sleepypod carrier. Thanks!

  • I like the ball launcher for sure!

    I would use 1/3 of the Amazon GC on pet food, 1/3 on my child and buy some STEM products, and the other third I would spend on household items and maybe a book or two for myself.

  • I would use the gift card for some home necessities I haven’t been able to afford, and I would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the Sleepypod carrier. =)

  • The Amazon GC would be great for buying YoYo ramp/stairs so I don’t have to lift him in the Car or Bed and some food. Mac the Cat would get the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and I would pick the Sleepypod Carrier what I can use for both ( Trip to the Vet, Traveling etc ) Big thank you to the sponsors for the pawsome prizes !

  • I would use the gift card for dog food and other dog treats, and I would pick the ball launcher, and the sleepypod carrier!

  • What fabulous prizes!!! I would be very happy to win any one of them (and so would my bully (Old English Bulldog)!

  • We would love toys and adventure gear for backpacking and hiking. We would choose the automatic ball launcher and the sleepy pod for our car rides!

  • I would probably use the giftcard towards a new, more pet friendly vacuum! I’d pick the ScoopFree® Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box, and then the sleepy pod carrier!

  • I would use the gift card to get my buddy treats and toys, I would like to get the Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed.

  • What would you use the Amazon gift card for, food for my Maggie May
    and which PetSafe ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box ($179.99 value)
    and SleepyPod product would you choose? the mobile pet bed ~ I love the SleepyPod products!

  • I’d use the gift card for a book. I’d pick the ScoopFree® Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box,

  • I would stock up on dog food. I need the Automatic Ball Launcher. My 2 furbabies love playing ball.

  • I would buy a new vacuum with the Amazon gift card. I would choose the Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box because I hate cleaning litter boxes.

  • I could use the Self-Cleaning Kitty Litter Box. I would probably get a cat tower!

  • I would use the gift card to purchase an additional PetSafe receiver collar for our new pup Charlie. I would also stock them up on food, toys and new beds. I would choose the Ball Launcher and Carrier. Great giveaway!

  • I would want to get some new gates for home/office for my dog and some toys and treats. Also some nice new collars and leashes and a dog car seat.

  • I’d buy things for school with the card, or just have fun with my friend’s dogs.

  • I would use the Amazon gift card for dog treats/toys and I would definitely be buying diapers and maybe some books. My pups would love the Automatic Ball Launcher and I’d go with the harness.

  • I would use the gift card for every day essential, like groceries. I would choose the automatic ball launcher and the harness!

  • I would pick the Automatic Ball Launcher and the harness! I’d use the amazon money to buy a new car seat for the newest addition of our family, Cara showed up early on 4/14/16.

  • I would purchase a handicapped dog ramp for my dog
    I would choose the harness
    I would choose the ball launcher
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  • I woudl buy a winter coat with the $300 and would get the ball launcher and the sleepypod carrier.

  • I would use the Amazon gift card for some things for my dogs. I would choose the automatic ball launcher and the Sleepypod mobile pet bed.

  • I’d get some cat food, ScoopFree® Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box, and the SleepyPod carrier.

  • My pup is turning 13 this year and has difficulty getting into our SUV. I would love to get him a ramp to make things easier for him. I would love the automatic ball launcher & the harness

  • I would use it to buy pet food and treats. I would love a sleepypod

  • I would use the gift card for a new crate and some doggy necessities, maybe a treat or two for mommy as well. 🙂 I would choose the Automatic Ball Launcher, it looks like a blast! I would choose the harness, Baxter’s could use replacing!

  • the PetSafe Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain for my dog
    and buy groceries

  • That ball launcher looks so fun! I’d use the GC to purchase pet dupplies for our 3 rescues.

  • The ball Launcher would be great for us and I would use the gift card to buy dog toys.

  • I would use the amazon gift card for baby stuff(just found out my wife is pregnant.) I would choose the PetSafe self cleaning litter box because I get tired of cleaning my cat’s current litter box. I would choose the SleepyPod carrier since it has multiple uses.

  • I would use the money for some new clothes. I would pick the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher, or the ONE Sleepypod Harness.

  • I would use the gift card to get her a new bed, and she would love an automatic ball launcher!

  • I would save the gift card for gifts for an upcoming holiday for my family. I would choose the Ball Launcher and the carrier.

  • I would use the amazon gift card for birthday gifts! I have 8 birthdays in the next 2 months so it would definitely help!
    I would love the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher and the Sleepypod carrier in blossom pink

  • Our pups have lost some toys since our daughters (just turned 2) likes to run off with them, so I’d love to shower them with some new toys & treat them to a new pillow to use for a bed. The ball launcher looks like a blast!

  • If I won the gift card I need some pet gates for my deck that I need to keep my dogs on the deck from pet safe I would love the automatic ball launcher my dogs love to chase balls

  • I would use the Amazon gift card for food and new toys for Tiger. The PetSafe product I would purchase would definitely be the Drinkwell® Avalon Fountain so he can have continuous fresh water and I LOVE the Sleepypod in black.

  • I would use the gift card towards household items my pet has destroyed as a puppy such as couch pillows and curtains, along with getting him a pet food container to keep his food fresh. If I won 2nd or 3rd I would like the ball launcher or the harness!

  • I would use my Amazon gift card to purchase gifts for my loved ones and myself and all my animals. Including my kids’ animals.
    I would like the cat litter box if I don’t win the grand prize, but I really would love the grand prize.

  • I would use the gift cards to get some much needed items for around my home. I would purchase the sleepypod mobile pet bed from sleepypod. From Petsafe I would choose the receiver collar.

  • I would pick the self cleaning litter box and use the gift card for pet supplies.

  • I would save the gift card for Christmas shopping. I would choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the Sleepypod Medium

  • Being my life has changed from resulting injuries due to an accident, there’s no doubt that this would be a huge help with getting items needed to help with life. For starters I would use the gift card (Amazon) on electronics… Having a family that includes our four-legged friends; I would love to get the ScoopFree® Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box; this would be a huge help as my disability resulting from the aforementioned accident!

  • If I won the card, I’d use it toward my endless wishlist, which will include the self cleaning litter box for my kitty

  • I would spend it on dog beds for my bullies and I would choose the ball launcher.

  • I would use the Amazon GC to buy dog food and treats for my dogs. My choice is the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box and the Sleepypod carrier

  • I have four cats and could use it for food and toys for them. A self cleaning litter box sounds great!

  • I know a new harness for both huskies. I also really want one of those tennis ball rocket shooters for them. Keep them and the kids entertained

  • I would use the Amazon for a TV, I would pick the self-cleaning litter box and the Sleepypod carrier.

  • I would use the Amazon for pet treats and for baby necessities. And my dog
    would love the ball launcher and a sleepypod carriers!

  • I would use a portion of the gift card to buy our cats a scratching post tower. If I won the 2nd prize for a PetSafe product I would definitely choose the ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box. I am not sure which Sleepypod product I would choose just yet if I won third prize.

  • I have been looking at Cat trees. I would love to buy one of them. I also would love the self cleaning cat box.

  • I would pick the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher . With the Amazon gift card I would buy some clothes for my children.

  • I would save the Amazon for gift buying. I would like the ball launcher and the harness.

  • I would use the gift card for upcoming birthdays and for new pet toys and pet beds. I would choose the Automatic Ball Launcher as all 3 would love it.

  • I’d use the GC to get a cat condo and pet food. I’d choose the Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box.

  • We would use an Amazon gift card towards a new laser printer for our kids; would love the PetSafe Automatic Ball Launcher or Sleepypod Harness

  • I would definitely choose the ball launcher. At Amazon, I would probably use it towards a new tv.

  • I would use the amazon gift card for dog food and wee wee pads. I would choose the Automatic Ball Launcher and Harness.

  • I would buy pet supplies with the Amazon gift card, select the automatic litter box from Petsafe and a carrier from Sleepypod.