Dog Toy Reviews

NERF Dog Nation: Long Range Flyer Review

Written by Kevin Sando

We are on a mission at MyDogLikes. Well, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Charlie is on a mission.

His aim is to test out every single disc on the market and determine the absolute best frisbees for dogs. While it may seem like a lofty goal, he is determined (and a little obsessed). I have no doubt that he will make it happen!

MyDogLikes was thrilled to learn that NERF now sells dog toys! Check here for our first NERF Dog Review!

Click Here to grab a NERF Disc from Amazon

Blast From the Past

I was pretty pumped when I saw that NERF has made its way into our favorite pet store! NERF made some of my favorite toys growing up. Children of the 90’s (and their parents) will no doubt remember this…

Although the pet store selection wasn’t quite as exciting (to me) as my Bow ‘n’ Arrow (circa 1993), Charlie seemed quite interested in what Nerf Dog had to offer!

Charlie is so excited that he doesn't want to wait for us to unwrap the frisbee before playing!

NERF Dog TPR Flyer

After a bit of browsing, we decided to try out the NERF TPR flyer. What made this one standout? Well, it seemed extra durable and simply designed! Charlie will put any disc through its paces, exposing and exploiting any weaknesses that might exist. So, in short, the simpler the better!

See what Charlie thought of the NERF dog flyer in the official MyDogLikes review!

The NERF flyer is made of a thermoplastic rubber and comes in a variety of colors. We opted for the large (10in. diameter) orange disc. This frisbee is about .25” thick and although it retains it shape under normal conditions it is flexible enough to be bent in half.

From this side view of the NERF dog frisbee, you can see that it is about a quarter inch thick and flexible.

The disc itself has a uniquely cut pattern that not only lends itself to an interesting flight pattern, but makes it easy for Charlie to carry and for us to throw (even after it has been covered in doggie drool).

The slots in the NERF dog frisbee make it easy to grip and throw

Time for Fetch

We brought our new NERF flyer to Charlie’s favorite park to give him a chance to weigh in with his expert opinion. The first thing we noticed is that this disc flies fast and far! If you are looking for a disc to practice catch with your dog, this is not the right one for you. The NERF Flyer is best for long sprints and chases as it moves far too quickly and doesn’t have the hang-time of the lighter frisbee’s on the market.

Charlie in action during MyDogLikes latest dog frisbee review!

The disc has a tendency to turn over in flight and land on its edge. This adds a fun element to play as it will roll on the ground for a good distance further while your dog joyfully chases along behind.

Action shots of Dog Chasing Frisbee

NERF Dog Flyer Features

MyDogLikes highlights all the best features of the NERF Dog Frisbee in our official review!

Long Range

For a dog that loves to run, distance is a very important factor in a frisbee. In a pinch we have used some of my frisbee golf discs to really get Charlie moving. If you are not familiar with this sport, these specialty discs can really fly (we’re talking greater than the distance of a football field)! The problem with them however is that they clearly aren’t made to handle dog teeth!

A couple casualties from our little frisbee monster Charlie! Well, he enjoyed them while they lasted!

We love the range of the NERF dog frisbee. Depending on how hard you throw it, this disc travels a FAR distance; further than anything other than my frisbee golf discs.This allows Charlie to really get up to speed while fetching. This is especially important in a time crunch, as it lets us squeeze as much exercise as possible into our play sessions. Unlike some lighter weight canvas style discs on the market, this disc does not have a lot of hang time and, as far as we can tell, isn’t designed to be caught in the air. Charlie didn’t seem to mind at all.  All of the rolling on the ground and changes of direction seemed to excite him!


Our little frisbee hound is not always easy on his favorite discs. He brings one along on every single walk, and after a rousing session of fetch at the park, carries it in his mouth the rest of the way home. While this little habit is adorable (and a real attention grabber), it is usually only a matter of time before they get that “well loved” appearance.

One of our favorite things about the NERF dog flyer is that it is easy for our dog to pick up and carry.

We are big fans of the canvas material discs but find that they do fray over time. The NERF Flyer is instead constructed of a flexible plastic that stands up well to those sharp puppy teeth. After using it for over a week, we can not  see any indentations on our NERF dog flyer!

Easy to Clean

A little bit of grass is no big deal because this NERF frisbee is so easy to clean.

The durable thermoplastic rubber doesn’t collect much dirt and is easy to wipe down. Being roughly the size of a dinner plate we also thought that this would fit perfectly in the dishwasher (on the sanitization cycle!). We particularly love the ease of cleaning as our frisbees are known for becoming quite slobbery after a 1+ mile walk in a dogs mouth!


We are on a bit of a hiatus from swimming (until Harley’s skin infection improves) but we are super excited to try this flyer out on the water! Its lightweight material allows it to float on the water for easy retrieval. We will certainly report back after testing it out in a couple of weeks!

The Verdict – Our Nerf Dog Frisbee Review!

As anticipated, Charlie loved this frisbee. The prolonged flight path really gave him a chance to get up to speed and burn off some of that excess puppy energy. The NERF flyer also proved easy for Charlie to pick up and carry. Despite being flat he used the cut-outs to easily snatch it up!

One of the most unique things about the NERF disc is the noise it makes while it flies. This frisbee travels quickly, and the hole pattern makes an interesting whirring sound as it travels. We love this feature as it seems to encourage the dogs to chase. We have even tried it at dusk and the whirring sound seems to help Charlie locate the direction of travel. We would love a glow in the dark version of this flyer for even more fun at dusk/dark or in the winter!

Charlie, our resident Frisbee Dog, waiting to fetch his new NERF Frisbee!

Why MyDogLikes: NERF Dog TPR Flyers

As a connoisseur of all flying discs, Charlie takes his review work seriously and loves to test out new toys at the pet store. After “loving” some of his others-to death, nostalgia tugged at us and we purchased a disc from a brand that we grew up with, NERF. The excitement and enthusiasm Charlie showed was certainly reminiscent of the feelings I had as a kid of the 90’s growing up as part of the “NERF Nation”. This disc made big claims, mainly that it was durable, floated, and flew long range. We are happy to say this baby delivered on all accounts! If you have an energetic puppy who loves to retrieve, this is the disc for you!

Overall, we love that this disc is durable, easy to clean, and easy for our sweet Charlie to parade around the neighborhood.

Is your dog ready to be part of the NERF Dog Nation?

Click Here to pick up a NERF Frisbee from Amazon

About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.