Dog Toy Reviews

Multipet Nuts for Knots Ball, Large

Multipet Nuts for Knots
Written by Kevin Sando

Product Description

The Multipet Nuts for Knots Ball is a multicolored cotton rope toy that is twisted and knotted into a sphere.  This toy comes in several different sizes.  We purchased the large for Harley, which measures roughly 5″ in diameter.

Product Use

Harley took to this toy immediately, and he had a great time fetching and gnawing it. Within one day however, he had begun to pull apart the rope and untangle it.  There were bits of string all around the house and he was also trying to eat them.  As explained on the packaging, this material should not be ingested so we had to take it away.  String can become a very serious hazard if swallowed as it can cause a blockage or intestinal strangulation!

Final Thoughts

My dog loved the Multipet Nuts for Knots Ball while it lasted.  Unfortunately that was not a very long time.  If you have a big time chewer on your hands, or the type that would not leave some frayed string alone, I would not recommend this toy.   A determined dog will likely work until this ball is pulled apart at which point it becomes unsafe for them.  If you only intend on supervised play however, and your dog is not the destructive type, this toy can be a lot of fun.

About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.

1 Comment

  • Loved the idea behind this product, but I ended up taking it away from my dog because he was eating so much of it and my veterinarian advised me to do so. So sad for the pooch.