Dog Behavior & Training

Dognition Membership – Taking a Peek Behind the Scenes

Taking a look inside the Dognition Membership area
Written by Kevin Sando

Over the past few weeks, we have been working with Dognition to let you know more about their unique product – a canine cognition test for dogs.

Dognition gives pet parents unique insight into the way that their dogs think, and experience the world. This program takes the latest research in canine intelligence and boils it down into a series of challenges that you can present to your dog. Based upon your dogs responses, Dognition puts together a personalized profile report to let you know your dogs preferred strategies for solving problems. They also help you to understand how this information correlates into their personality traits and behaviors.Transparent background logo for Dognition

Now that we have had the chance to take the Dognition Assessment for ourselves,  we wanted to give you a sneak peek into the members area of their website – so that you can see what comes along with an annual membership in their program !

Dognition Membership – What’s Inside?

After you have run through the Dognition tests with your dog, you will have the option of purchasing an annual membership to continue on with the fun. And when we say fun – we mean it! These aren’t tests like you remember on school. Instead you should think of them more like games or activities as part of a unique bonding experience. Trust us – you will both have a blast!

A Dognition membership costs $79 annually and includes tons of fun features which we will take a look at in detail below… Additional dogs can be added to your account for a 50% savings!

Dognition was kind enough to provide a subscription for both Harley and Charlie and to sponsor this content so that we could share our experience with you!

Our dog Harley trying to find a treat under a series of cups

Monthly Games

The initial assessment includes testing modules on empathy, communication, cunning, memory and reasoning. Each module helps you to get a glimpse of your dogs problem solving strategies.

A Dognition Membership will unlock new games to work through with your dog each and every month to further this insight. For example, this months new game examined the boys Spacial Navigation skills. This could also be described as how they see and remember the world around them. 

Screenshot of the activities dashboard inside the Dognition membership area.

Personalized Activities Developed by Trainers

In addition to the new module games, each month, you will also be given personalized activities to work on with your dog.  These can be indoor, outdoor or puzzle type games. This month we worked with Harley on a fun hide-and-seek game with a few unique twists!

Data Insights

Comparing our dogs to thousands of others through the data insights interface.

Dognition members have access to a wealth of data on canine cognition which has been collected through their testing over the years. They have compiled all of this information into a really cool interface which members can explore and play around with. Set all sorts of parameters to see how your dog compares to others based upon age, breed, sex and more.

Harley excelled in the empathy and communication modules. He scored as highly bonded and collaborative.

One of our favorite aspects of the Dognition program is that this widely collected data is actually being used to help further understanding of Canine intelligence. Harkening back to the concept of “citizen science” programs like this allow researchers access to more data than they could collect in lifetimes of research.

Dognition members also have access to some of the latest findings made as a result of this research! 

Connect with Experts

Have a question about your dogs behavior? Dognition members have unique access to a panel of experts in dog training, intelligence and more. Simply leave a comment on the forum area and await an answer in written or sometimes even video form:

Panel Experts Include:

  • Dr. Brian Hare – Assistant professor at the Duke Center for Canine Cognition and co-founder of Dognition
  • Victoria Stilwell – Reknowned dog trainer, bestselling author and host of Its Me or the Dog
  • Dr. Juliane Kaminski – Lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Portsmouth 
  • Vanessa Woods – Researcher, journalist and NYT bestselling co-author of The Genius of Dogs
  • Paul Mundell  Director of Canine Programs for Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) an organization that trains assistant dogs for the disabled
  • And many more!

Why MyDogLikes the Dognition Membership 

I’m sure that at this point it is quite apparent that we really enjoyed taking these tests with our dogs!

Harley and Charlie had a blast and so did we. Becoming a member of Dognition allows you to continue the fun year round and provides regular bonding time with your pet. We all lead busy lives, and we love this little prompt to get up and try a new game or a fun activity. After all keeping your dogs mentally stimulated is just as important to their health and well being as anything else.

We would highly recommend Dognition to anyone looking to develop a better understanding of their dog, or even those just looking for a fun activity to keep their dogs entertained!

Want to give Dognition a Try for Yourself?

Click Here to #DiscoverYourDog

About the author

Kevin Sando

Kevin is a mechanical engineer with a degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has move than a decade experience in new product design, prototyping and early stage manufacturing. Pairing this background with his love of dogs, gives him a unique perspective to evaluate the design and execution of new and interesting pet products.